Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Black and White Sunday

P.S. I think I've found my courage and calm for tomorrow. Thanks for all your words of encouragement!


  1. Thinking of you! Hope everything goes well :)

  2. Just breathe slowly. Take in some of that wonderful mountain air. And look to the dogs for inspiration.

    Hope all goes well tomorrow--it's already tomorrow here.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. good thoughts sent your way for tomorrow's surgery. :)

  4. Gorgeous photos! Good luck tomorrow!

  5. Glad to hear it! Will be thinking of you. Breathe deep :)

  6. Gorgeous! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow. :)

  7. I had no doubt you would find your courage and calm. Lots of positive thoughts for you tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after. And the days ahead.

  8. From all us kitties...May the Furs Be With You!

  9. Wishing you a peaceful sleep tonight. That will help you tomorrow.

  10. What gorgeous images! I'll be thinking about you tomorrow! Good luck! :)

  11. We will be thinking special good thoughts for you. All the best.

  12. Courage, trust, calmness, R, Runner and Shyla by your side, and there to greet you when you get home again, a bobcat, maybe a mascot, he is the most lovely of all your trail-cam photos, and sending love, positiveness, and caring wishes for Monday and the days ahead. Most beauteous photos, I think the very best of all your B&W. Hugs, Jean.

  13. Thinking of and praying for you friend.
    Goose and MOM

  14. Those are gorgeous black and white images! Taffy is sending you lots of doxie healing sun rayz already and I am keeping you in my prayers. I've had a few surgeries in my life too and I always think it is funny when the anesthesiologist says he is gonna make you sleepy and then tells you to count backwards from 100....I never make it past 3!

  15. Those are just amazin' pics!! I'm dreamin' I'm right there with Shyla!
    I am keepin' you in my thoughts and sendin' you lots of AireZens!
    Just dream of the trails and biking and watchin' Shyla and R play in the snow.....
    sleepy time....
    Ruby ♥

  16. Thinking good thoughts in your direction. Best wishes and good luck!

  17. Sending our very strongest White Dog healing energies and positive thoughts. In our native culture here in New Mexico White Dogs are considered Spirit Dogs and when we carry a request to the Universe it is honored and respected...tonight we ask that you be protected on Monday and that the recovery be effective, quick, and free of pain for you. Blessings and calm to you and your pack.

  18. Fingers and paws are crossed! Thinking of you, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Morning sun just broke through the grey morning...shafts of dazzle everywhere...sending good thoughts your way!

  20. That first photo is perfect for B&W!

    Thinking of you today!

  21. It's now Monday and you are in my thoughts :)

  22. Beautiful. Sending all good vibes for tomorrow

  23. Thoughts and prayers going your way - best of luck.

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  24. We are sending lots of good views, as well as purrs, woofs and neighs, and awaiting news.

  25. Hope all is well. Praying for you. Hugs.

  26. South West France is thinking of you.

  27. Hoping all is going well!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. You are amazing and we live visiting, reading your pistings, and enjoying the spectacular pictures you take of the duo and scenery surrounding where you live. The trail cams also. We talk about putting up cameras around our cabin so we can see what critters move thru when we are not there.
    Barb and the furkids


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