Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Finding the fighting spirit

When the alarm goes off in the morning, Shyla starts thumping her tail. I often snooze for a little while after the first alarm, and she just keeps wagging her tail, so full of happiness and optimism for the day. She makes me smile - because she is irrepressibly excited to start the day!
It's not sunny today but I needed to include that sunrise photo to try to lift my spirits. I am tired, and my spirits not at their best, probably due to the lack of sun for days and due to what I face on Monday.
I know that, in the big picture, my surgery on Monday is not a big deal. Many people face more difficult things. Yet, I am apprehensive.
I'm doing my best to keep my spirits up and to find the calm fighting spirit that I used to feel when I was truly ready for a big event - like competing in an athletic championship. I can tell that I'll be happier after I heal from this surgery because my bad shoulder is throbbing most of the time now. The brief respite given to me by that unfortunate cortisone shot is over.

Back when I had my last surgery in 2010, a 3-level spinal fusion in my neck, I used a bobcat as my symbol of courage and thriving. I think that I'll do that again. This one visited our clearing the other night. Thank you, Mr. Bobcat.
This small cat truly amazes me with its tenacity and boldness.


  1. May your surgery go well and your recovery be rapid.

  2. bless you - and your thumping alarm clock. :)

  3. Sending wishes for a smooth procedure and a speedy recovery!

    PS - come and leave me a comment!


  4. The dogs are going to be great rehab coaches... They'll lift your spirits like anything.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  5. We are sending you our best healing cat energy and we know you will domfine!

  6. Good luck with your surgery and vibes for a speedy recovery!

  7. All Three of Us, send you our very best wishes for a good surgery, and will remember you in our prayers for a good fast healing.

    Love and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. Best wishes on Monday. I am a recovery room nurse. It always scary to have surgery, to have anesthesia, no matter how "routine" it is. Prayers for you.

  9. Let that bobcat be with you in spirit, as we are out here. Shyla, maybe one more new trick, wait at least 10 minutes after the alarm goes off!!! Does it still get set at the weekend??We hope someone?? anyone??, maybe Runner??? will send a message, telling us that surgery on Monday is done, and all is well. Hugs from way across the oceans, Jean.

  10. We know your surgery will go fine. Shyla and R are the perfect ones to help you through rehab. They won't let you be down for long! You are in our thoughts!

  11. The pack and I send you wishes for the surgery to go well and for the recovery to be smooth. Prayers coming your way.

  12. I'm glad there's time for me this evening to catch up on your news. I'm really glad you followed your feelings and found a Doctor to work with that has given you confidence. On Monday we will be sending healing vibes that you'll mend quickly and the surgery will be a success! Take care!!

  13. Courage- you have it- even if you think you don't.
    And Shyla's happiness will help you too,
    We are with you!

  14. Bless you and good luck! I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.

  15. Hello,
    great shots .. just the bobcat is super .. here with us a project is running for reintroduced bobcat.
    The hunter whose area is visited by bobcat are not happy about it ..
    regards Frank

  16. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you, KB! Take good care of your mom post-surgery, Shyla and R!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  17. We wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow! It's a big day, filled with lot's of emotions. You'll do just fine!! You've got a great team to take care of you afterwards.

    Lily Belle, Muffin & Mommy Kim

  18. I will be thinking of you, and sending positive vibes your way come Monday morning. You are strong and will be fine, just like the bobcat.

  19. Best wishes for your surgery and recovery! I have every confidence you'll do wonderfully well -- you'll have the best canine recovery nurses anyone could hope for!

  20. I'm with you on the strength of the Bobcat, and admire your choice of a symbol to focus on for your upcoming challenges. It's very rare to see a Bobcat in my neck of the woods, and it's always a treasured experience when I do. Today I'll think about each of those times and send all the wonderful feelings your way :)

  21. SHyla's sheer joie de vivre exudes through her pores ~~~ just look at those pics. Take car eon Monday KB ~~ will be thinking about you!! Both Jim and I ended up in emergency a week ago, both doing fine Jim moreso. Time is the healer and I've been told to respect time!

  22. Prayers for successful surgery and successful pain control!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. Hi Y'all!

    What a neat cat!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  24. Hi again,

    We will be keeping you in our prayers and keeping paws crossed for you tomorrow.

    Hawk aka BrownDog and his Humans

  25. Hi again,

    We will be keeping you in our prayers and keeping paws crossed for you tomorrow.

    Hawk aka BrownDog and his Humans

  26. Hi again,

    We will be keeping you in our prayers and keeping paws crossed for you tomorrow.

    Hawk aka BrownDog and his Humans

  27. We're keeping our paws crossed for you today. Good luck!!


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