Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Joke was on Me!

We've had somewhat gloomy weather lately, with snow falling on and off, and an occasional burst of sunlight. This morning, the sun was burning through the darkness enough that I could see it but it didn't make the world any brighter.
Of course, when we arrived home from our snowbike ride, the sun suddenly burst through the clouds illuminating the world gorgeously.

The Duo lay in a sun puddle so I tried to get a photo. Both were very sleepy.
I started jumping around, trying to get their attention. R oriented his head a bit more toward me but both sets of eyes were still glued shut.
At this point, I think they were having fun, messing with my head by keeping their eyes firmly closed.
Then I started tossing treats on the floor in front of me. No dice.
 Finally, a squeak from a toy garnered me open eyes from Shyla. R was too smart for that trick!
I never captured any photos with both dogs' eyes open. They won! I had to laugh when I later looked at the series of photos. I showed you only a few of the photos that I took while they were in that sun puddle - and their eyes were closed in every single one. The joke was on me.

But, a little later, as a consolation prize, R fixed his handsome eyes upon me. It was worth the wait!


  1. that made me laugh. they were enjoying the moment and weren't going to let you spoil it. :)

  2. These two just melt my heart!! Great captures.

  3. Jeez! You simply cannot interrupt a snooze in the bright sun. Lovely sight.

  4. How much fun that must have been.
    R tells Shyla close your eyes don't open them. hahahaha Jokes on Mom.

    Have a relaxing weekend.
    Thinking of you and may the surgery
    be successful.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  5. There is just something about sun puddles...nothing much better. Great pictures.
    Paws and fingers crossed your surgery goes well. Also prayers and good thoughts.
    Ernie Chica Lucas Rosie and Barb

  6. Those two are too funny! I love how intertwined they are.


  7. We think the duo was thinking you needed a laugh:)
    It sure made us smile.

  8. Some days, they seem to really enjoy making you work for it! lol We've had those days, too. But I adore that pose of theirs together in the sun!

  9. R and Shyla are very smart about not wanting to miss one moment of those wonderful sunbeams!

  10. Just not a good idea to rush to open eyes BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  11. Just not a good idea to rush to open eyes BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  12. When His R-ness did decide to open his peepers, it was quite a pretty sight. You can give the boy a smooch back for the one he sent me yesterday.

    Cheers and hugs,


  13. We love to mess with HER head when SHE tries to take photos! So well done, guys....BOL!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  14. I just love how close these two have become! Your pictures are amazing!

  15. Oh that made me laugh! :)
    "No peekies!"

  16. Got a good laugh...they can really sleep like that sometime, I´ve seen it on my dogs.
    Have a great weekend!
    Love Majsan//

  17. Those sun puddles feel sooooooooooo good in the cold winter months!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Not sure why, but those photos brought tears to my eyes; your dogs are so precious...

  19. What beautiful photo's of two stunning labrador doggies relaxing in the sun :) Milo & Jet

  20. Love this little series. So cute.


  21. Hahahahahahaha! R was so cute. Good for him to trick you!

  22. Sweet, tired puppies!! They're so adorable!

  23. I'm glad they were able to make you laugh! They know when we need it.

  24. Hi Y'all!

    Shyla's open eyed expression is priceless!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  25. Well, all we can think is that they were giving you what they knew you you needed - a good laugh :)


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