Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cloudy Springtime

I'm sure it's not lost on you that photography has become a passion of mine. One of the biggest things I've learned as an outdoor photographer is that the "light" makes the photo. I spend lots of time searching for the best light. It moves in space and time over the course of a year.

Yesterday afternoon, a cloud bank hovered over the mountains, blocking the sunset light. Actually, for photos of R, this type of filtered light might be the best. In this photo, he may be contemplating the fact that he's biting his lip in a goofy way.
In the next photo, he's sitting in the spot where the last rays of the sunset usually hit at this time of year. He was staring toward the spot where I'd seen the first chipmunk of the year hours earlier. I wonder if R could smell the chipmunk! What a good dog, staying despite such an enticing scent.
Some mornings, like today, there is no "good light" for photography so I make the best of what the world gives me. Shyla's eye was the "best" this morning! I adore seeing the world and me reflected in her eye on a dim day.
Just after I took the photo of her eye, I saw that the clouds were lighting up with rainbow colors as the sun became stronger behind them. I wished upon the rainbow for Springtime.
And I got it!!!!! This is the first wild crocus, called a "Pasqueflower", that I've seen this year. It was a little bedraggled from the recent winter weather but it looked perfect to me.
Happy Springtime to my Northern Hemisphere friends. Even if it's snowing where you are right now, there will be flowers before too long.
These are indoor Daffodils. It's too cold for any outdoor ones to even sprout yet.
They make me smile everyday!


  1. all beautiful!

    i saw my first bluebonnet today on the driveway. and i mowed our entire yard for the first time this season (and that's about a month or more late)

  2. Those macros are superb, love the reflection, and all others too. You must get some spring weather soon if the Pasque flower is blooming. Cheers, Jean.

  3. Such a handsome dude! Hooray for Spring in your neck of the woods!

  4. Sunshine, Spring, Happy Dogs,Great photos. I hope you're feeling much better.

    Funny little things can bring so much joy and smiles.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  5. All the pictures are beautiful, but that eye shot is amazing!!

  6. Such beautiful flowers and oh, that amazing eye shot! Without a doubt, the rainbow sky shot is our favorite.

    Hope you are having a nice weekend.

  7. Great photographs! I especially love the second one. R looks like a poster boy for Labs.

  8. You know how much I love the photos of R. Whatta handsome guy!

    The weather guys tell us we will be getting a snowstorm for tomorrow and through Monday! I hope it peters out before it gets here!

    Cheers and hugs,

  9. The ones of R especially warm my heart. I'm a sucker for dogs.

  10. Beautiful photos, KB! We can almost count all of the fuzzy hairs on the pasqueflower!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. Thank you KB, Shyla & R for our daily dose of smiles! Your pictures always are so beautiful.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  12. Beautiful shots! I love that flower, I have never seen one of those.

  13. I love those snaggle-toothed looks the dogs get sometimes.

    Your photos are amazing!

  14. Such awesome photos! You are an inspiration!

  15. Our daffodils bloomed a couple of weeks ago! We know it's going to be spring any day.

  16. KB we love your photos,, they always look so perfectly beautiful to us!
    And were so glad you saw a rainbow to wish on-- and wish for spring!

  17. Lovely Pictures of the flowers.
    I really like the Picture of R sitting. He is so handsome


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