Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Deciding to be Happy

The look on Shyla's face in this photo sums up how I felt as I started this day.
Being a person who loves to seize the day can be a very bad thing when trying to gradually return to my favorite sport after surgery. I did a million times too much snowbiking in my first few days back. This morning, my shoulder was so sore that Shyla and I were relegated to hiking. It's nobody's fault but my own. Live - and hope that you learn.

In addition, today my head is buzzing as if the brief hiatus of migraines is about to end. Needless to say, my mood was not good this morning.

I have certain "go-to" things that I do when I need to lift my spirits. I hate squandering one of my precious days on this Earth feeling sorry for myself. I've known how precious each day is since I was young, having seen my mother die at about the age that I am now. And I know that she would have given anything for more days on this Earth. That's how my "no squandering days" ethic started.

To lift my spirits at the start of our little hike this morning, I played fetch with Shyla. That game never ceases to make me smile! Her enthusiasm can make me burst out laughing! She would retrieve all day if I let her.
The sun came out, ever so briefly, during our hike. Shyla seemed to remember that barking like a lunatic makes me laugh.
I don't know what I'd do without her. She is such a loving and sweet soul who has become a part of my heart.

I remember feeling guilty about having Shyla join our family after K died. But then I realized that K would have wanted me to be happy. Moreover, I knew that having a furry friend to play with every day would help me immeasurably. We still had handsome and sweet R but his heart belongs to the Runner - and R seemed to miss having a furry partner too.

In those first months with Shyla, it was emotionally bumpy. However, I knew that forming a bond with her was the biggest thing that I could do to find happiness again.
Building a loving bond with Shyla was the best decision I could have made - both for helping me find my footing without K and for my long-term happiness. Shyla helped me today just like she's helped me so many days since I met her.


  1. So fantastic. And yes...every single day is a gift.

  2. Beautiful. Every word is inspiring.

  3. All I can say is that you two are perfect "medicine" for each other. :)

  4. just sweetness. my dogs make me laugh, too - even on my saddest of days. thank god for them.

  5. If it weren't for our dogs I would laugh and smile as much as I do every day. They are precious partners to have around.


  6. Oh how I can make my MOM laugh too. It's one, just one, of our special gifts. Hope your setback is short lived.

  7. Setback. Sure, you could have almost counted on it.....it's how the very boisterous among us take note. I hope the migraines stay away. For what Shyla brings you, can you imagine what you bring her? It's always hard to try to replace a loved partner (like K) but you bring so much to the relationship, any furry one would be so lucky to have you in his or her life. Shyla reacts to how she knows you feel.. She has become a good part of you as you are for her. Heal up, Kb, and get out there!

  8. Shyla makes many a heart smile and we can almost hear those barks!

  9. We are so happy Shyla came into your life. K chose well:) Hope your setback is short-lived and the migraine respite is long-lived.

  10. Spending time with dog...outside is never squandering time.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  11. Sorry to have been absent for such a long time. There were some bumps in the road, some of them my Dad passing away in February.
    But how strange(?) that the day I come back to your blog, you have posted about being happy (and how Shyla contributed to that). Just today I wrote about the topic of "happy" as well.
    I always love the pictures of Shyla. I'm pretty sure, would I see her in "real" life I'd fall in love with her immediately. It is such a pity that we cannot have a dog.

  12. What a wonderful gift Shyla has been! I also hope your setback is short lived!

  13. Kia ora KB,
    Kia kaha e hoa....and good to know you have good friends watching over you. Glad you got out to go for a wander...

  14. Shyla seems to know that part of her job is to make you laugh! Otto does that for me. It's such a gift!

  15. Yes, you two were meant to be together. I've started looking for those things that make me happy and purposely putting more of them in to my day. Rather than being "if I have time" stuff, they are my priority for all the reasons that you stated here. I hope your shoulder feels better soon and those migraines stay away.

  16. We think Shyla has been your gift,,, and the thing of all,,, is that you know it!
    Take it easy KB,,take each day gently,, and let it sink into your soul.

  17. Your post today, about "no squandering days" and how Shyla has made things better reminded me of the quote by E.E. Cuummings

    “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

    Wishing you lots of laughter each and every day,
    Riley and his human (from NZ)

  18. Your post today, about "no squandering days" and how Shyla has made things better reminded me of the quote by E.E. Cuummings

    “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

    Wishing you lots of laughter each and every day,
    Riley and his human (from NZ)

  19. I am so glad you have Shyla and that she has you.

    Anne and Sasha

  20. This is so awesome! Your posts also make me smile...even laugh sometimes!! Shyla has made us all happy!! Hope you are feeling better!

  21. Mom has tears in her eyes, KB. We love you, Shyla ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  22. I've always thought dogs like Shyla are the best medicine. They combine chocolate with Labs...two of my favorite things, what could go wrong with that! Love your photos and stories of Shyla as it brings me such happy memories of our Sweet Sally Brown. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Dogs are wonderful to help us work through things like surgery or loss. Shyla is such a great dog.

  24. I love that first picture!

    It's so true that each day is precious and sometimes when we aren't feeling good it's hard to keep that in mind.

  25. We knew you could put a smile on moms face Shyla
    Lily & Edward

  26. Your posts are always such a good pep talk for me. I can let myself get in a funk over some of the stupidest stuff. I try to remind myself that happiness is a choice, so why not choose it? For whatever reason, that's hard to do sometimes.Thanks for keeping my head in the game ;-)

  27. Had to smile, Lovely Picture on Shyla with her great hat.

  28. A match made in heaven, wif a little help from our sweet angel furiend K. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  29. I commend you on your positive attitude and ability to climb through the pain. I have a very minor injury on the scale of injuries and am having a totally pity party! I am going to follow your example and work through it!

  30. I am hoping by today, you are feeling a bit better. I know how hard you work to recover but sometimes slow and sure is better. Shyla is such an incredible gift that K sent you. Our pups give so much to us but I know you give back so much to Shyla. What a beautiful journey she's had with you-she has grown so much.
    Sending you wishes for sunny days and lots of rides.
    Hugs, Noreen

  31. Your outlook on life is inspiring. I hope with a bit more rest, your shoulder will be back in good shape. And those migraines need to leave you ALONE!


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