Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April Madness - A Snowy Day

April is bipolar in the mountains. From warm Spring days like this one...
 ... to snowy days like today.
As an aside, the boot was for a photographic challenge that I participate in on Flickr. I enjoy photo challenges that require me to make the best of whatever light and conditions the world throws at me. I do one challenge called the "Daily Dog Challenge", and I am also doing a 365 day challenge for 2014.

Despite a wet and cold snow, Shyla and I had an enjoyable hike this morning. Like all our dogs before her, Shyla adores the snow. It makes her zoom.
It was a typically wet spring snow, and it selectively melted and then stuck to Shyla's ears and whiskers, giving her a distinctive look. It gave me a hint about what a Chocolate Lab with white ears might look like.
We had some quiet moments interspersed with zooming. The forest was silent, with white flakes falling all around us. Except for the birds who were mobbing our feeders in droves, the wildlife seemed to be denned up, waiting out the storm. I even led us into "bear territory" hoping that maybe the recent warm weather had lured some of my favorite wildlife out of their dens onto the hillsides. Alas, there were no tracks. I'll keep watching and hoping!
This crazy world is my home, and it's the only place in our world that has ever truly felt like home. I love the peace, the solitude, the mountains, the pine forest, and the reality of mountain winters that hang on into May. Thank goodness Shyla loves it too!


  1. just beautiful. i love her whiskers!

  2. I have always loved the snow and am so grateful that I can see the beauty of it through your lens. Shyla is definitely in her element!

  3. Snow gives my dogs the zoomies as well. I love how muscular her front legs are.

  4. Beautiful, white flakes, a photo challenge, great way to go, and you have the most perfect model or scenery for it. Cheers, Jean

  5. Everything is beautiful . . .Shyla, snow laden trees, blue skies and I am glad you are so happy.

    I like snow too, about four months of it suits me perfectly. When we get into long termers, like this winter is, I get a little impatient.

    I'll work on some attitude correction, should I? Won't guarantee anything though.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. It was almost 90 here yesterday. Today, the front came through. Now it's in the 30s and we have the chance of snow tonight. The Sibes are very happy about this turn of events. :)

  7. Her white ears/whiskers are too cute!

  8. My guys love snow too. It definitely gives them the zoomies! They love to be cold!

  9. Love the snow covered Shyla. I can understand your love for that place and I'm delighted Shyla shares that love.

  10. We have only had the rain and wind from the same storm. Yep....spring.

  11. I love the idea of bipolar weather. :) We didn't get snow but it was cold, windy and rainy down here.

  12. Hi! Lovely Pictures with snow. Hope it melt soon and you will have spring.
    Check my post. At last I picked out some Pictures of the 500 I took. Its from our holiday in Austria and their elks.I was at a feeding Place sitting among them. Very exciting!!

  13. Shyla looks so lovely, whatever the weather. In that second shot, she almost seems to be hugging the snow!

  14. You look so pretty white-tipped, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Oh Shyla, you have a kindred spirit in MA...I think Piper would go insane with joy if we had another snowfall!
    Bears. I'm trying to keep the bird feeder up as long as possible, but MUST take it down before the bears come looking. Every day I think maybe I should take it down RIGHT NOW, but every day I so enjoy watching the birds...

  16. Lovely photos as always, Shyla looks wonderful. I think the photo challenges are great for the real photographers like you! Oh, and the birds are going to bankrupt us if this keeps up :) Love it though and just got our yard certified as a wildlife habitat through NWF!

  17. Pictures likes this make Spring snows a little more tolerable! Gorgeous!

  18. Like the snow, my heart melts when I see pics of Shyla.

  19. That bright collar is great against Shyla's chocolate fur and snow! We got 15" overnight but now it's blue sky. There is still so much snow on the ground here though. Hope you're feeling much better.

  20. Hmmm... I'm on Flickr too and didn't realize there were photo challenges available. I'll have to check it out.


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