Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Snow-laden Bluebird Day!

Although yesterday's snowstrom made Shyla giddy with happiness while it was happening, the day after the storm is always my favorite.
The world is utterly transformed after a big snowfall. The most mundane details are beautiful.
Shyla was ecstatic with the light powder that fell overnight. She dove in first thing this morning, coming up for air every now and then.
The pine trees held pillows of snow on their boughs with blue sky behind them. Glorious!
Shyla and I had a enchanting hike. She frolicked in the snow and I soaked up the beauty with awe.
It was a Rocky Mountain spring day that made me smile from ear to ear!


  1. she is a conduit to pure joy. :)

  2. The snow is indeed lovely but I'm glad you have it instead of me. Sweet Shyla looks even more adorable in the snow.

  3. As happy as I am to see the first flowering trees of Spring here, your photos sure do make me smile at the beauty of your part of our country:)

  4. That first picture is one of my favorites of all time - such joy and silliness. Her personality shines through!

  5. That first picture is hilarious!

  6. Yups, I agree, that furst pic is just hilarious! I thinks you need to print that up and hang it on your wall!
    Wows, looks like Mother Nature is givin' you one last blast of funs before the spring really sets in
    Sure looks like Shyla is havin' the time of her life! Hey, do some snow zoomies for me, okay?
    Ruby ♥

  7. Happiness all round, picture perfect ,both in nature, and Shyla, she surely loves the snow. Cheers, Jean.

  8. Let me agree with those guys who say the first picture of Shyla is just a beaner. Silly and cute.

    Glad you are having fun in it. Take me where the see-ment grows and make sure there is no ice on it!

    Cheers and hugs,


  9. It looks Beautiful!
    What a scenary.....I can understand Shyla likes to play in the snow.

  10. That sky is gorgeous. It would make anyone want to run a leap in the snow.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  11. You truly do love the snow, Shyla! You surely do live in one special spot, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Okay, change the white snow to yellow pollen, and change pine trees into - well, pine trees and others around houses, and that would look like where I live right now! It's our 5th season: pollen season. Luckily it's only really heavy for about a week.

  13. Awwww beautiful. And the sheer joy in Shyla is so fun to see.

  14. Fantastic. Enjoy, this may be the last of the snow
    Lily & Edward

  15. Shyla looks so happy - and you sound happy! YEA!!! The snow is so beautiful!

  16. Beautiful photos but one with spring flowers would be even better!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. That was such a fun post! We love the snow face!

  18. Shyla is beautiful. I love pictures of dogs who thoroughly enjoy the snow.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your words of encouragement. Sampson is my first experience with a major surgery and it is far more difficult than I expected. So every word of encouragement helps!

  19. I always say that sky blue is my favourite blue!

    Dina Mom

  20. Beautiful! We got hit with more snow too. But it's slushy and gross.

  21. Love seeing Shylas delight playing in the snow! Seeing life through your eyes reminds of the grandeur of Colorado.


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