Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Joy to the World

Some of you jokingly said yesterday, "Maybe this will be your last snow". I chuckled. The next storm is forecasted for late Wednesday and then there's yet another storm in the long term forecast. Thank goodness that Spring snow is alright with us!
Like most spring snows, it melted down by about half yesterday even though the temperature barely broke freezing. There's no more lightweight powder for Shyla to frolic in this morning but I still have wonderful memories of yesterday.
The snow was bottomless in some places yesterday, leaving Shyla floundering.
Unfortunately for R, he cannot play or run in deep snow yet due to his elbow surgery. The orthopedists say that deep snow is one of the toughest challenges for a dog with a bad joint. So, he ran on plowed surfaces with the Runner in the morning.

During our hike yesterday morning, it was 20°F with fresh snow but birds still sat atop the pine trees and sang their Springtime songs.
Bird songs followed us everywhere as we wandered the snowy but sunny hills, making me smile.
By evening, the snow had melted enough that R could hike on the trails. He threw back his head and sang with joy!
As the Duo and I finished our evening hike, we saw the full moon rise, a glorious sight, especially knowing the Eclipse was coming later that night.
The world is unbelievably beautiful.


  1. Oh, it is beautiful. Unbelievably beautiful.

  2. Beautiful! Your bipolar weather would drive me crazy.

  3. No kidding!!! It IS a beautiful place to live!!!

  4. Beautiful, indeed, and your last photo of the moon, super, we didn't get to see any of the eclipse, cloud all night. Shyla loves that deep snow, and R will be happy to stroll out there again. Cheers,Jean

  5. The world is beautiful. Sounds like Ma Nature is toying with you. We love the picture of R singing.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  6. Such a beautiful place. You are indeed lucky.

  7. I agree with the wow! I'm glad R had some fun even though he has to be careful. Those pictures of Shyla make my spirits soar.

  8. All of the pictures are gorgeous, but I love that one of Shyla near the end with the snowy tree behind her. We had snow yesterday which is very unusual for us this time of year. I feel like winter will never end!

  9. Every day you have magical gifts from Mother Earth,,, and we know you treasure each of these days.

  10. Yep, this world is beautiful and you manage to consistently capture that beauty.

  11. Spring snows have their own special joy and gossimerness...so magical! Did you witness the eclipse?

  12. Did you see the eclipse? I went outside but the sky was like cottonwool. Nice and balmy, though - I came back in and opened windows. Now we're in the middle of big rains, and snow is predicted...but I'm sure we've turned a corner!

  13. Beautiful Pictures! It looks Lovely with all snow.
    We will have a warm Easter about +20 C is told.

  14. Now you have a beard like we do, Shyla!
    Sing it loud and clear, R!
    Your pictures are stunning, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. One of my favorite things about early Spring mornings is all of the bird chatter!

  16. We love ALL of your photos, but we especially like the one of R!!!! Ha wooorooooooo!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  17. We just love your photos, always! I am sure happy the snow found a place with those who love it!

  18. That last photo sent a shiver down my spine! Would have loved to be there with you to drink it in.

    Dina Mom

  19. Oh - I would never tell you it's the last snow! Just think of all our wildflower seeds and the moisture they'll be getting.

  20. I love, love, love seeing those pics of R singing! Even though we were taking a blogging break, I have still been reading every one of your posts. We are glad to be back :0)


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