Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 4, 2014

One Day at a Time

Many of you know that the past six weeks have been stunningly tough for me because of the "cluster migraines" that have plagued me since my shoulder surgery. I've felt "off" for weeks at a time, with my head buzzing, warning me that the slightest provocation will send me into a migraine.

I don't know where it's all heading, as the tests are still underway. For the first time in my life, I've been forced to take the concept of "rest" seriously. I hate resting - but I now have good motivation because it helps keep the migraine monster away. For now, I feel as if I'm heading in a good direction but I still have the sensation that I am teetering on the edge, not sure what will happen next.

I'm living by the mantra "one day at a time". If I wake up feeling okay, I hop out of bed so that Shyla and I can enjoy the sunrise light. I don't try to project into the future. Rather, I live with whatever today gives me.

I felt good this morning so Shyla and I were out for sunrise. We stopped to enjoy the ethereal glow as the world woke up.
Around sunrise, I love how spotlights of sunshine illuminate the forest, leaving most of the forest dusky. It's like the spots of joy that I can find in my life, even when it feels as if the darkness is trying to gain on me.
This morning, after the sun was truly up, we walked in my hard-earned tracks from yesterday to a higher point with a view.
We soaked up the warm sun peacefully.
Then Shyla jumped into action.
I love the electricity of Shyla's enthusiasm for life. I took this zany photo when I called Shyla. She'd had her head completely under the snow, and she popped straight up so fast when I called that the camera couldn't keep up with her. This photo sums up Shyla's crazy happiness in the snow!
Thanks to feeling good and having a fun hike with Shyla, it's been a good day so far. I'm grateful.
Now, I must follow the rule that I'm trying to learn and take a rest. Happy Friday to all of you.


  1. I hope the weekend is very kind to you!

  2. i love when you and shyla get to share the morning's joy because you turn around and share it with us. :)

    loved the shot of her on the snow-covered rock.

  3. Have a beautiful weekend.

    xo Cinnamon

  4. I have a feeling that if Shyla and Flattery met, they would be fast friends! That last picture seems a lot like something our little nutter would do. I'm glad today was a good day and you two were able to get out!

  5. I love that last picture of Shyla - pure joy and silliness! Hope your weekend is migraine free!

  6. Kia ora KB,
    Rest well and easy. That wild world will be there waiting for you. Kia Kaha e hoa!

  7. Happy Friday to you and Shyla too! I'm glad that your day started off so perfectly--I'm sending good vibes at the end of my day that yours ends the same!

  8. The photos you share of your day are sooo beautiful! Thank you for sharing your world!
    Yes, one day at a time,,!
    Happy Friday to you!

  9. Here's to waking up and feeling ok every day from now on! Happy weekend. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  10. Hope you have a great weekend. I love silly sweet Shyla.

  11. Here's our wishes for a good weekend and a restful one. Gorgeous photos. That girl makes us smile BIG.

  12. Those sun filled skies, trees with less snow, Shyla nose down, it must be hard to stay in and rest. May the weekend be pain free, and you have some rest, some time out in your beautiful area, and Shyla by your side for lots of company and TLC. Hugs, Jean. p.s. another OK day down here, huge improvement on last Thursday.

  13. Living one day at a time. Sounds like you're channeling your inner K-9!

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  14. What a beautiful morning! And beautiful dog, of course!

  15. Stunning photos of a beautiful day with Shyla!! Love seeing her play in the snow :)

    You're doing an amazing job posting/taking photos in the midst of what you're going through!!

    I've had both shoulders rebuilt and have a spine to be fused soon. Tough place to be, for sure.

    May you have a weekend full of restful moments and dog snuggles and kisses.

    Behr's mom :)

  16. That last photo of Shyla is so sweet!

    Hoping you will get some answers soon and can head (oops) in a positive direction.

  17. You are such great therapy for your mom, Shyla! Love the pictures!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  18. I guess you are learning to live life like a dog does.....in the moment.

    What lens do you usually have on you camera? I am thinking it is a long lens? Do you keep your camera in a backpack for the most part, since it is probably heavy.....?

  19. Oh I love that silly pic of Shyla so much! Dogs being a bit goofy is one of my very favorite things. They are such natural comedians.
    Have a relaxing and healthy weekend KB!

  20. Sorry to read that you haven't been feeling well. Enjoy the times that you feel well enough to get out and take care of yourself. Shyla looks stunningly beautiful as always!

  21. Taryn,

    When I hike, I use a vest with a secure camera attachment point to carry my camera (it's called a "cotton carrier for one camera" on Amazon). It spreads out the weight so that the camera doesn't hurt my shoulders or neck. I do use a long lens sometimes, like when Shyla and I are hiking and I want to capture her silly antics!

    Thanks for your comment!

  22. Shyla you and Kb are an awesome pair. We love visiting you and seeing the photos she takes of scenery and YOU. Truly an inspiration. :-)
    Barb and all the furkids !

  23. Great pictures! I love the one where Shyla popped up from the snow! :)

  24. Beautiful Pictures of your snow....but spring must be coming soon??

  25. Sometimes "rest" is a very hard prescription to follow.
    The joy in Shyla is contagious!

  26. I hope that you have more good days than bad days, KB. I too suffer from migraines, as do my 3 sisters. We all share our experiences, and what works for one doesn't always work for the other. Shyla makes me smile as always :)

  27. Great photos, especially the one of zany Shyla!


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