Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Springtime Snow!

Over the past few days, I was taking photos of our first wildflowers...
... and of the Mountain Bluebirds who had ventured up to our elevation.

And then we woke up to a big snowstorm today.
By the time the snow abated, we had accumulated more than a foot of heavy snow that made it very hard for me to snowshoe this morning. Shyla didn't find it easy either but she's a young pup with tons of energy!
Actually, this is normal for a Rocky Mountain springtime. We get the biggest snowstorms of the season in March and April in our part of the mountains. These snowstorms are usually critical in providing water for the plants that are waking up. I expect more storms this month...

But, the snow is so heavy that it's very hard to hike in the forest for a mere human like me. I snowshoed with Shyla this morning, and I'm still paying the price - a very sore lower back (I have a multi-level surgical fusion of the vertebrae there so I'm used to paying this kind of price for having fun).

I think it was worth it to watch Miss Shyla have a blast!
She wanted to spend our entire outing storming through the cement-like snow. She stopped only when I asked her to. She struck a dainty pose on a boulder.
At the end of our hike, we passed our birdfeeders which were mobbed. This white-breasted nuthatch waited his turn on a nearby Ponderosa Pine. I'm amazed that delicate little birds can thrive in our environment.
Here's to Springtime in the Rockies! I'm rooting for a bluebird day tomorrow so we can enjoy the beauty of this snow!


  1. shyla just cracks me up!! pure glee!! hope you can sleep tonight with your back aching!

    loved your bloom, bluebird and nuthatch, too!

  2. Energy to burn, Shyla has it in abundance. Your back, take care in that deep wet snow, and macro flowers, superb. Cheers, Jean,.

  3. Shyla sure knows how to have a good time in all the snow. She's cracking me up tonight in the photos.
    And the sweet little birds must be confused with all the crazy weather.

    xo Cinnamon

  4. Shyla is so funny! I'd get seriously freaked out by your weather. I got antsy here just from it going from the 40s to the 60s every other day!

  5. Hope you get your bluebird day! I'm sure Shyla spent the rest of the day snoozing.

  6. Glorious snow! The photos of Shyla made me laugh.

  7. Gorgeous!! But springtime snow
    Lily & Edward

  8. Shyla loves the snow as much as Millie. Your bird pictures are gorgeous!

  9. The pictures of Shyla in the snow are priceless!

  10. Shyla sure knows how to make the most of whatever comes her way! Fingers crossed for a bluebird day for you tomorrow! :)

  11. KB- you and your camera catch the most beautiful photos! And every photo of Shyla--- you have her spirit,, and we feel like we are there! The flowers and the little bird.. oh gosh,,, what a camera-- and what a "moment catcher " you are!

  12. I know this snow will be most appreciated as the seasons warm, but the unpredictability of your Spring is mind boggling.

  13. Sorry for the sore back, but there is something to those last few spring snowstorms that are so pretty and fun. Beautiful shots of Shyla and the snow.

  14. I'm sorry about your back, but those pictures of Shyla in the snow are gorgeous.

  15. You have still snow coming?? We have sun but Cold wind coming from North.
    Great Pictures of Shyla playing in the snow.
    Have a great weekend!

  16. We love your dainty pose with snow all over your mouth, Shyla ☺ Beautiful pictures, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  17. Love seeing Shyla's joie de vivre!

  18. Those photos of Shyla are great. I love the fuzzy purple flower too.

  19. If my pups only knew what they were missing . . .

    Enjoy that snow and we hope you do have a bluebird day today.

  20. You and Shyla make it look so beautiful!
    LOVE your Nuthatch and Bluebird photos!

  21. so lovely to see your pasque flower, birds and dogs romping and rolling in the snow!

  22. The snow shots sure made us all smile!!!


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