Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

An Otherworldly Campsite

Our next campsite was next to incredible rock mesas with deep lush canyons between them.
Next to the cliffs, the world is a jumble of humungous boulders. Some were so big that we used them for shade during the day.
And we played on them around sunset when the sun's warmth was a welcome feeling. It was wonderful to see how comfortable Shyla has become with our camping routine and settling into each new campsite. None of this was easy for her at the start of her time with us. It's still not easy for her to meet new people but she's generally very confident when she's with our pack.
This campsite was in an incredible area where I love riding my bike. I'll show you more of the rock sculptures that Shyla and I visited during our mountain bike rides in the coming days.
Happy Saturday!


  1. Oh! Mr. R! You are SO handsome!!

  2. Otherworldly is definitely the right word! No wonder the old Star Trek series used to film out in the desert!

  3. the red rocks are just amazing.

  4. Amazing scenery! No wonder you feel regenerated.

    Dina Mom

  5. How AMAZIN'!!!! And the pics of Shyla and R are FABulous as usual!
    Can't wait to see more
    Ruby ♥

  6. And all of this wonderfullness is new to Shyla! Her world is growing, and her confidence tooo.
    Mighty R- knows the routines-- he will show Shyla!

  7. Shyla and R both look so content and relaxed! :)

  8. It is a beautiful place indeed. And MOM and I just smile when we seen sweet Shyla wearing her See Beautiful tag.

  9. Catching up on all your wonderful photos and news, stunning lizards, rocks, what a great place to camp, and definitely Shyla with new confidence, and R, the super Dude. Cheers, Jean.

  10. I am really itching to go out WEST again!!! Just look at all of those lovely RED Rocks! I think they are just magnificent!! So glad they are both happy with the camping routine and you are happy on your biking adventures!!

  11. What a fabulous spot for camping!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Just beautiful....that is all.

  13. We are lovers of the red rock too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Lovely!
    Do you have a camper or tent you stay in??

  15. Shyla is a testament to your hard work and love!

  16. Gorgeous! You make me want to go back again, and not wait until fall, even though it is pretty darned hot over there right now!


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