Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sky Sunday

The sky's beauty truly shines in the desert. Here was the moon setting over a sculpted rocky cliff.
And Shyla standing in the desert with the red cliffs and blue sky behind her.
Millions and millions of stars shined each night. The Milky Way...
A Shooting Star over a cliff...
One night, the clouds rolled in while my camera was busy taking star photos as I slept. A rumble of thunder and flashes of lightning awakened me. I rushed out to save my camera from the rain that was about to fall, and I discovered that my camera had captured the cliff at the instant of a flash of lightning. It turned the cloudy sky purple.
What an incredibly beautiful world we live in!


  1. That is crazy beautiful
    Lily and Edward

  2. Amazing. It is so beautiful out there.

  3. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.

  4. Fabulous photos! I love looking through the eye of your camera!

  5. Your corner of the universe is indeed gorgeous!

  6. I just knew you would do the starphotos. Is that the big dipper with the shooting star. Incredible......

  7. Yes, Vickie, that is the big dipper!!! Thanks!

  8. Yes I agree, what a Beautiful World we live in.
    Awsome Purple coulour!!

  9. Oh wow, that purple sky photo is fangtastic!! I've never seen something like that.

  10. I just caught up on your Utah pics,
    and can't even imagine a sky that full of stars...what a fantastic sight to see. All so other-world-y,up to and including your collared lizard pal!

    Cheers & Hugs,
    Jo,Stella and Zkhat

  11. Love that last shot. I need to pick your brain on how you set the camera up to shoot at night. Can you email me the directions?

  12. Your photography blows me away! Such gorgeous skies, so well done!

  13. Your photography blows me away! Such gorgeous skies, so well done!

  14. I hadn't thought of letting the camera do all the work while I sleep... brilliant! And what a great chance capture!


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