Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Sunset in the Desert

The painting in the top right of the sidebar of my Angel K is based on a photo of her taken at sunset in the desert.

The most important thing that I've learned since K's death is that my heart is capable of grieving and growing new love at the same time. I'm not sure that I'll ever stop grieving K but the love that I've found for Shyla has helped me be happy again.

The biggest bump on the horizon is K's Rock (our first campsite). Carpe Diem.


  1. My heart feels the same, broken and loving all at the same time.

  2. Yes, the next dogs help heal hearts but the hole is always there from the one who left.

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. We do totally understand those feelings. Beautiful sunset!

  4. New dogs NEVER replace a lost one, they just EXTEND the love!

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  5. Sorry about losing K.
    Nice pics.

    bikehikebabe or Cynthia

  6. KB, I have always believed that when we lose a pup we love so deeply and then bring another one into our hearts & home, that part of the one that left us lives on in the new one. So glad that Shyla found you and you found her.
    Happy Vacation time.

  7. Carpe Diem!!

    Your nasally well-endowed furiend,


  8. (the whistlers stayed all thru winter last winter for the first time ever. usually they depart for a couple of months to go further south. no idea on the babies if they are still here. they look all adult, now.)

  9. K will always have a very special place in your heart. Shyla has a very special place in your life.

    Beautiful photos as usual!


  10. I know how you feel, we've lost three of our babies, although Sally was the only one we had since she was a pup. It's been 5 years and still miss her and think of her everyday. You are right though, you can grow new love...and I feel luck to have found Jack & Maggie.

  11. I wish I could find room for growing a new love. Perhaps it just takes time. And, of course, we do still have our goofy Lucy. But there is still a big empty space that I hope in time to fill with love for another dog.

    I hadn't realized K's Rock is so very large!

  12. ohhh this post is just full of sweet emotion. I'm so sorry for your loss, I know you will never stop missing K. But you are so right, your heart has room for another dog, and that dog is lucky and blessed. Enjoy the sunsets and sunrises of every day.
    Peggy, Ike and Kelly

  13. You are such a blessing, Shyla ♥

  14. So beautiful, all of it.

  15. Hi KB,

    We agree with you, every pet we have will always have a special place in our hearts.

    Piappies Fudgie,Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  16. You are a master of "Carpe Diem!" You let nothing stop you!

  17. We too are happy that you could grieve and love all at the same time. Shyla was made for you.

  18. Momma, too, was amazed to discover that she could grieve and forever miss one special to her and still be open to forming a new bond without feeling unfaithful or callous. It is, we believe, always what your soulmate would want for you.

  19. You're absolutely correct about mourning continuing but love can still exist side by side with that sorrow. I know this to be so true as I still continue to feel the sadness over the loss of my beloved Abby. But Annabelle has been a saving balm to that raw sadness.
    Beautiful photography. I just love looking at your work.


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