Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Spring has Sprung

I'm taking a break from the desert stories to show you that Springtime has exploded in our world. There are no snow drifts in the forest (to Shyla's dismay - she loved having a constant supply of snow cones). I'll go out on a limb and guess that we won't have anymore accumulating snow this Spring!

Instead, we'll have abundant wildflowers after an incredible year of moisture.
We also have lots of bear food coming to life. Shyla doesn't like ants on her paws, so she's holding one up! Bears love eating ant larvae, and I'm seeing large rocks that bears have flipped over, looking for ant larvae to eat, all over the forest.
Shyla and I can mountain bike to Hug Hill without having to plow through deep snow! We both adore visiting this special spot.
A favorite wildflower of mine is flourishing this year. These tiny orchids are known as "Fairy Slippers" or "Lady's Slippers" (Calypso bulbosa). Over my years of exploring our area, I've learned where there are small patches of these gems. Because they're at the height of their bloom right now, I tend to choose bike routes that go past at least one patch each ride.
Thank goodness my back feels good enough for me to get down low enough to gaze at these amazing flowers.
One of my favorite riding trails is this one! Can you believe those wildflowers, looking like a carpet leading to the high snowy mountains? I grinned as I pedaled.
Last, but certainly not least, the sunset light is amazing - soft and red. While deep winter is the time for sunrises in our neck of the woods, summertime is for sunsets.
We are so grateful for the beautiful world around us.


  1. just beautiful! and i'm glad you're feeling well enough to keep getting out and about, high and low. :)

  2. That carpet of wildflowers is beautiful.

    We don't like ants on us either....they pinch.

    XXXOOO Bella roxy & Dui

  3. What a glorious spring. I love the fields of wildflowers. And, of course, sweet Shyla.

  4. I love all the colors. So beautiful.

  5. The wild flowers are sooo beautiful.
    We saw some of your colorado clouds here at our house the other day- and we thought of all of you!
    Those ants bte---!! No wonder Shyla does not like them.

  6. Your world is stunning. It's so funny that you've only just gotten spring - it's full out summer here!

  7. Beautiful, every one, and your trail through the wildflowers makes me think of the film " The Sound of Music" with snowy peaks at the very back . Enjoy those macro shots, they show flowers to their very best. Cheers, Jean.

  8. What wonder and beauty!! One of the reasons I love living on the Northwest are the abundance of wildflowers year-round...

    Great shots!

  9. We envy you your moisture and greenery! I'm also happy for you. :)

  10. Love the dog on a stump photo !

  11. It is just gorgous and breathtaking out there!! How wonderful that you get to enjoy it each and every day! I can tell Shyla is enjoying it too!!

  12. It is just gorgous and breathtaking out there!! How wonderful that you get to enjoy it each and every day! I can tell Shyla is enjoying it too!!

  13. The flowers are so beautiful! I hold my paw up just like you do, Shyla, but I'm waiting patiently for mom to throw me my tennis ball!

    Love ya lots♥

  14. Absolutely stunning! I'm so glad you can get out and enjoy it!

  15. I love wildflowers, anywhere. But mountain flowers are truly like a gift after the snow.

  16. Spring sure does look pretty in your neck of the woods?

  17. As usual, all your photos are stunning, but that next to last one with the mountain path bordered by wildflowers is beyond words.

  18. Wooohooo Spring has Sprung and my Daddy is home!!!

    Loveys Sasha and Anne

  19. I was going to leave a comment about something else, but I'm so upset that you don't have any more snow that I lost my train of thought.

  20. your flowers truly are showing their beauty! fun that we have love of fairy slippers in common! Looks like your spring is gorgeous.

  21. What a Beautiful orchid!! You special Hug Hill is Always great.
    The blooming field is like a postcard!

  22. I've seen one of those orchids only once. What a treat to see them every year!

    I, too, am so glad you were able to get down low for the shot you wanted. Some days, I find myself switching the camera view and popping out the viewfinder because I can't get quite low enough... :)

  23. I especially love the path through the wildflowers :)


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