Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Mountain Bike Ride with the Duo

I mountain biked with both halves of the Labraduo this morning. We have entered an intense part of the monsoon season, and we saw about 20 minutes of sun this morning before the storms started enveloping our world. Fortunately, the Duo and I were out for those sunny 20 minutes!
Whenever I ride with both dogs, I put special emphasis on doing some training during our ride. It helps to keep their focus on me.

Recalls are most important so we did a few this morning. Before R's elbow surgery in January, every recall race ended like this, with Shyla ahead of R. She could out-race him without even trying very hard.
But, since his surgery, R can run almost as fast as Shyla when he's motivated to sprint. In this recall, I gave R a small head-start, and he held Shyla off the whole way. He's very cunning - he blocks her path to pass him!
My favorite of all the recalls was when they ran to me side-by-side. They spend much of their time outdoors running right next to each other so I'm glad that I captured a photo of it.
I think that R's elbow surgery was a big success. It was his second surgery for congenital elbow dysplasia, Now, we are hoping that his elbow remains comfortable and flexible, like it is right now.
What sweet boy he is! Shyla and I love having him join us on our morning mountain bike rides.

P.S. My computer is fixed! Now, I hope to catch up with all of you soon.


  1. That R is a smart one. You can see how much they enjoy running together.

  2. We hope that's the end of the surgery for K as well.

    Great that you managed the 20 minutes of good weather.

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  3. We like to see R- running and having a good time with Shyla too!

    Does the monsoons mean that it rained?

  4. Glad you got some sunshine. Love that first photo!

  5. Glad you got to enjoy the twenty minutes. Great photographs of the lovely duo.

  6. I love seeing both of your pups with you! Does the runner ever join you guys?

  7. What beautiful pups. Always good to keep the training ongoing
    Lily & Edward

  8. stunning duo photo, high up there together having so much fun, all hopes that the elbow will stay good now. Cheers, Jean.

  9. They are the most gorgeous labs I've ever seen!

  10. Thanks for sharing your duo and part of the world with us. I I especially love your first photo with the synchronized looks and tongues hanging out!

  11. Hi there, I was up in the Park for several hours, having lunch with our daughter's family who were camping. We decided not to camp this year because we were flooded out last July. Just as we were leaving Estes, the sky opened up and poured. Our summer weather has been so different and now we are entering the Monsoons. This afternoon, here in the flat lands it really poured along with lots of thunder.
    I was saddened to hear about a second visitor that died due to lightning. Loved seeing the duo in step with each other. I hope you get a ride with clear skies in the morning. Enjoy that sunshine whenever you can.
    Hugs, Noreen

  12. HI R & Shyla
    Looks like you had great time on your bike ride :) Milo & Jet

  13. I agree! They truly are the most beautiful labs I have ever seen!! And the pictures you take are just awesome! They just love their life with you....it shines right through in the photos! Glad the surgery was a success!!

  14. We just love that last photo of the two of you together, R and Shyla. What a portrait it would make!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Such beautiful pictures of the duo!

    Happy Sunday.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  16. We love that running duo and the ears in the wind!

  17. What a great picture of them running side by side...a very happy labraduo!!

  18. Such beautiful pictures of both of them.

  19. Awwww - I'm so glad he is doing better!

    Monty and Harlow

  20. Each day the black clouds start rolling over the mountain - unfortunately, they are bringing thunder, lightning, and wind with little rain. We could use some moisture again. Glad R's surgery was a success, and he can run with his sister once again. My Grand Dog, a chocolate, just had cataract surgery at 13 - keeping our fingers crossed for her.

  21. The duo and the pictures warm my heart!

  22. Fantastic picture of the two side by side :)
    Glad you got your computer fixed so quickly. After my camera mishap, I realize how much a lack of techno-tools can reduce my ability to communicate. But you kept blogging from your phone?! Pretty impressive!

  23. Those are some really great shots. We really like that first one.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. Sweet R!!!! That boy just makes me smile big. I am so happy to hear that all the pain from the surgery has led to him feeling good and running better than before. Shyla is such a love - I sure wish I lived closer to Colorado and could meet this fabulous duo one day :):)

    Diane and Indy Bones

  25. Dear R,
    As you know, I am a rescue doggie. Apparently I had elbow dysplaysia, too, but nobody surgery-ed me. Now I'm 9 and very, very sore. Yesterday I got to go swimming in the concrete pond. It was so great, butt not nearly as great as zooming around like you get to do. You may have hated your long convalescence, butt, you're a lucky doggie!!


  26. I love that first picture of R & Shyla together! It really shows how wonderful their relationship has become.

  27. Hi Y'all!

    What a wonderful close bond between those 2. It really shows in those photos.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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