Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 11, 2014

See Beautiful

I don't have access to my computer or photo library so I can't put together the post that I'd hoped to do for this month's See Beautiful blog hop. But, I can share a few "See Beautiful" sights from the past two days. 

I wrote yesterday about coping with the loss of K. One of the best things for me to do is to revel in who and what I have in my life now. 

Our new Labraduo makes me smile. I've had the gift of being able to spend a lot of time with both of them in the past couple of days. We watched the sunset together one evening. R enjoyed the scents wafting on the wind from the mountains.
R is still teaching Shyla lots of things, like how to trust people she doesn't know. I saw him greet someone who Shyla has been scared of for her whole life. Because she saw R give the person a happy greeting, Shyla decided to come out of hiding to sniff the person's hand (which was a Beautiful moment!).
It is the peak of our summer wildflower season. I'll leave you with what I think is one of the most beautiful sights of all - Colorado Columbines. Entire aspen groves and hillsides are covered in them now - and that is so beautiful!

This post is part of the See Beautiful Blog Hop. Because I'm using an iPad to compose this post (while my computer is being repaired), I don't know how to link to the Blog Hop but I do know that you can find the Hop at Sugar's blog (http://www.sugarthegoldenretriever.com/2014/07/this-moment-see-beautiful-today-will-be-a-great-day/) - Thanks for hosting it, Sugar!

See Beautiful!


  1. those two are beautiful. r is very handsome in that shot, too. :)

  2. have a Beautiful weekend

    xo Cinnamon

  3. My Vickie melts every time she sees your columbine shots. And to think you have meadows and meadows of them. a Big thank you from both of us.

  4. It's only the beginning of our wildflowers, but I know frost isn't far off!

  5. This post is sooo beautiful!

  6. I definitely enjoyed your idea of beauty, and your words are as beautiful as your images!

  7. Those flowers are just stunning! The pups, too. :)

  8. That's great of Shyla, precious beautiful moment to see that. Golden Thanks for sharing a lovely Columbines. Happy Seeing Beauty. Golden Woofs

  9. Watching our dogs learn from each other is one of the most profound and beautiful experiences...we are so glad that you, too, find a thrill in observing those special moments.

  10. beautiful indeed, the Duo and flowers, together filling your heart with joy. Cheers, Jean.

  11. Thanks for continuing to blog even though you're having computer problems. :)

  12. Bless you for being the most wonderful brother, R! You and Shyla are so beautiful together!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  13. Kudos to Shyla for sniffing that hand! R is such a GREAT teacher!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  14. We saw wild columbines last week at Shenandoah but they didn't look the same - the Eastern ones must be a different species - but they are ALL beautiful.
    Hope your computer gets well soon!

  15. i love when my dogs teach other things (although some of the things they teach are like the demanding for love). Hope your computer is fixed soon!

  16. I would love to see all the beautiful columbine.

  17. I always love to see flower photos on everyone's blogs - we don't have many here in the summer.

    Monty and Harlow

  18. I love columbines too. So good to hear that R is teaching Shyla to trust. Walter is so outgoing he will go up to anybody and Millie can be a bit reserved. If Walter greets someone Millie will always join him once she sees that all is well.

  19. Beautiful flower!
    TYra is getting bigger and bigger...31 July I hope our pups will be born

  20. All these words and photos are so very beautiful!!


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