Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

High in the Mountains

I wanted to tell you about our recent alpine hike but I am having some technical troubles. I am still awaiting a new computer so I guess it's to be expected that I'm running into some glitches.

Here's one photo from that day. It sums up all the beauty of that day - the flowers, the towering peaks, the blue sky, and my beautiful girl.
I love the high mountains!


  1. Me, too - I hope you had a great hike!

  2. Oh.My.Gosh.So very beautiful!

    Love the look on Shyla's face, not to mention the 3-D type effect!

  3. She's so happy to be in the mountains with you.

    Happy Crazy love
    xo Cinnamon

  4. Shyla is the perfect mountain girl for you, looks like you were high up there, and your Flicker photos, love every one. Cheers,Jean

  5. That photo certainly captures the spirit of the place! Eagerly awaiting more.

  6. What a perfectly beautiful day you and Shyla had, KB!

  7. Awesome!!!! Hope the nw computer comes soon.

    Happy weekend.

  8. I feel your pain on technical issues. That is one gorgeous photo, I can tell you that!

  9. I feel your pain on technical issues. That is one gorgeous photo, I can tell you that!

  10. That is beautiful! i hope you get back on track soon.

  11. That must be the famous Rocky Mountain High!

  12. So beautiful! Could you talk about your camera/settings in a blog post?

    Monty and Harlow

  13. Beautiful!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Love the mountains in the background being out of focus - gives it a lot of depth.

  15. I'm "computing" in fits and starts these days, as my laptop is warning me daily of imminent and fatal implosion. Been backing things up and keeping fingers crossed, but it's definitely time to pony up for a new piece of hardware...would like to think something even smaller and lighter than a 15" laptop would do, but I would probably find it quite hard to work with a smaller screen, as I have to blow things up to read them now! I'll be very interested to hear what you come up with, KB!

  16. Hi Y'all!

    Oh so beautiful!

    My Human understands technical difficulties!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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