Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Journey

I've realized that the next couple of weeks are going to be very busy, with little time for posting. In addition, I finally have a new computer but I have a lot to learn before I'll be up to speed with it. I have a backlog of fun wildlife footage that I will finally be able to collate into videos and share with you!

So, I'll probably have a few short posts in the coming couple of weeks - so please don't be surprised when I'm not on my usual posting schedule. I promise that I'll be back to normal before too long.

Today, I'll share a little bit more about the mountain escape that Shyla and I made earlier this week, hiking up the Continental Divide on a perfect summer day. The wildflowers were sublime, the air was warm, and we were happy!
Heading up the Flowery Trail
I think that my favorite thing about the high mountains is that they give me perspective. The towering peaks remind me that we are specks in the universe.
A Lab's Perch
The high mountains also give me perspective on the passage of time. I get all the way up to the Continental Divide only in the summertime. Consequently, it is frequently true that a year has gone by since the last time I visited a certain spot in the mountains. It makes me wonder how many more visits my life will allow, but that thought is too somber to contemplate now.

On this past hike, I was thinking of how much Shyla has changed in the past two years. Literally, by the month, I am seeing her blossom. When she's in the mountain environment, she now views most strangers as potential friends. She wags when people look at her and does a good job of "reading" whether someone wants to meet her or not. If they do want to meet her, she wiggles her whole body with happiness as she gently greets the person.

And, she's not afraid of hiking poles anymore!!! On our first alpine hike together almost 2 years ago, she repeatedly attempted to pull me off the side of a mountain to escape passing hikers who were using hiking poles. The other day, she walked past hikers with poles with no signs of fear. Wow!
Smiling at the Panorama
I'm so proud of my girl, and I feel so lucky to be part of her transformation. When I first met her, her fears scared me because I didn't know if I'd be capable of helping her to live a happy life. I now have no doubt that she's a very happy dog. She'll always be more sensitive and prone to fear than any dog I've ever had in my life - but I now know that we can cope with almost anything together.


  1. Being together makes so many things more possible,,,!
    And you both can enjoy your world that means so much to you both!

  2. Lovely post. Glad your adventure was filled with fun and beauty and wonder. And kudos to you for bringing Shyla out of the darkness of her fears.

  3. Awwwwwe!! You guys are just amazin'. I loves hearin' abouts Shyla's confidence just blooming with each and every day.
    And your Photos...WOW! Just amazin'!
    Nows, I thinks you both need a margarita! Pawty before work, right?? hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  4. Two years makes a huge difference, doesn't it? You've done a great job!

  5. We think it's wonderful how confident Shyla is becomming.

    Now you remember to fit in lots of hike breaks when you're busy....

  6. No doubt, NO doubt what-so-ever that she is happy happy/ We understand busy weeks. MOM is just coming off a two week, 14 days, of each day being 16 hours of work each day. We'll keep a watch for you.

  7. Time and love create miracles. You are momma's inspiration as she works with Taiko, who has so much promise but is haunted by his past and his fears. Slowly, tenderly, consistently we are getting through to him that he is safe, loved and it IS a wonderful world. Seeing your success reinforces our hopes.

  8. You and Shyla are the bestest team, KB♥ Your photos are just stunning!

  9. You have given Shyla the most wonderful gift; not just a home but real joie-de vivre!

  10. You two really are great together! What a team!! Thanks so much for sharing your world with us!! LOVE these pictures!! Happy Saturday and congrats on the new computer!!

  11. Good luck with your new computer! Sometimes it can all be a challenge.

    Shyla is soooo beautiful and VERY blessed to have you as her Mom.

    We gotta go back and look at your gorgeous pictures again because they are amazing!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  12. Good luck with your new computer! Sometimes it can all be a challenge.

    Shyla is soooo beautiful and VERY blessed to have you as her Mom.

    We gotta go back and look at your gorgeous pictures again because they are amazing!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  13. So pretty, the scenery and Shyla. Yeah for a new computer! We are headed your way this coming week, and will be in Loveland Aug. 6th. I would lave to find some good hikes while Al is at the sculpture show over the weekend.

  14. Shyla is an amazing and beautiful gal!

  15. Shyla has grown in so many ways! Such a beautiful girl with a sweet heart!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Your photos are always so amazing!

    Monty and Harlow

  17. Howdy Mates. Yes, Shyla has had an amazing journey with you and just look how she has blossomed under your love and guidance. We know we always say it but, oh my, your photos are so wonderful. Good luck with the new computer and have a great weekend. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  18. Beautiful photos and post! Shyla truly has blossomed into such a beautiful and wonderful companion because of your love, devotion and vision of what she could become!

  19. Living at such a high altitude, do you have difficulty when you go downbtoa lower elevation
    Lily & Edward

  20. We love your photos - and seeing how wonderfully Shyla has developed! That is just beautiful!

  21. I know what you mean about the mountains. I often tell people that taking just one geology class (with a field component, hopefully!) can change their perception of time, forever.

  22. Shyla has the fortune to be with you so she can do more progress.
    Vilja I hope will be better. The other day a neighbour came down to the lake with their dog. Vilja jumped on him and bit him over the nose.....very strange. She is so afraid sometime so she do this...I have a lot to work there. On 10th aug we will go to course again so I hope we will get Tools again to work with

  23. Hi Y'all!

    What a lucky girl you are Shyla...to find the perfect Human in the perfect home in the perfect world for you to find yourself and be truly happy.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  24. Shyla has been transformed by love. Glorious photos. Lots of rain here - no good hiking past Noon.


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