Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Long Days!

We've been out for sunset many evenings lately. Some evenings, there's even some sun that we can see! R was gazing toward it last evening.
Then, we try to get up early for a bike ride the next morning. I'm afraid that "burning the candle at both ends" has caught up with Shyla, and maybe me too.
I love the long days, with late sunsets and early sunrises, but seizing each one can leave me yawning, just like Shyla!

Today, we continued learning our new game, where sometimes Shyla retrieves her toy and sometimes she runs past it to come straight to me. She is definitely still in the learning phase.

On our first try of a "recall" where she was supposed to run past the toy to me, she stopped next to it and did a tongue flick, a classic sign that she was uncertain and a little anxious about what to do.
Of course, I helped her out by reminding her to "leave" the toy and come to me.

On the next one, I asked her to bring the toy. I loved how she sneaked a peek at me as she picked it up.
She loves retrieving much more than ignoring the toy and coming to me. She is a Labrador Retriever, so that makes sense.
She did a whole series of repeats perfectly, either leaving the toy or not, depending on what I asked.

Then there was one that made me laugh. I had asked her to "come" - which means leave the toy and come directly to me. She tried to sneak up behind the toy.
I reminded her to "leave it", and here was her reaction.
 She quickly righted her course.

What a good dog!

With Shyla, the most important thing is that I keep everything fun and upbeat so she doesn't get worried about making a mistake. So, I cheered her on as she retrieved the toy on the next repeat!
We had a super fun time playing our game.

After I left Shyla at home at the end of our short ride, I headed out for an easy ride. I'm hoping that some easier-than-usual rides will alleviate my fatigue. I stopped a lot to look at beautiful flowers. A wintergreen in bloom...
I love this time of year... I had a nice easy ride, and I'm hoping to feel some zip in my legs during my bike ride tomorrow!


  1. Shyla really is special....such brightness in those eyes. Hope the fatigue lets up...all the best!

    Ron and Sophie Doodle

  2. MOM always loves it when I take a peak at her when she has asked something of me. hehehhe. I think secretly I am hoping she will change her mind and let me have my toy or treat.

  3. She is such a good girl. Obviously doesn't have any terrier in her!

  4. You sound like you're doing well! Shyla is such a sweetheart.

  5. Such a sweet post. R looks so grand and it's wonderful to see Shyla getting more and more confident.

  6. she's so cute. and a bit sneaky. :)

  7. That is one handsome pict of R! Shyla's come so far! Patience pays out. She's really silly and adorable!

  8. As usual, great pictures! I'm so glad you're enjoying summer.

  9. You are so adorable, Shyla. We love the sneak attack picture.
    The wintergreen flower is just stunning, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  10. Bravo Shyla!!! You are doing great pretty girl!

  11. I love the looks that dogs give when they are trying to figure out a new trick. That is a great one. I am sure Shyla will get it soon Enjoy the days! They will be too short too soon!

  12. She is a crack up! I love the looks she gave you.

  13. Good work Shyla! I can't let mom see this post cuz you talked about recalls and I don't want her thinking that we need practice (cuz we do).

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - Don't forget that THIS Friday is the first ever Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails!

  14. That's a long day alright! Your are such a good girl and a smart girl Shyla
    Lily & Edward

  15. Shyla is Learning very fast and is a good student.
    I must be better to practice with ours because 1st October starts our outdoor season with the dogs and field trials are coming up. You get better score if you can do recalls better as we do today.
    Awsome flower!

  16. Hi Y'all!

    What a fun game!

    Y'all have the most beautiful world!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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