Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 18, 2014


A Friday of sunshine. Yay!
As Shyla and I headed out on our mountain bike ride, butterflies fluttered all around us, flitting from one flower to the next in the meadows we traversed.
Then, we arrived at Hug Hill, and we worked on a new game. I placed a toy that Shyla likes to retrieve atop Hug Hill. Then, I either called her to me or I sent her to the toy. She needed to distinguish between the two cues by either sprinting directly to me or by retrieving the toy.

She is such a smart dog. She figured out the game super fast. The first time that I sent her to retrieve the toy, she hesitated to pick it up, waiting to hear encouraging words from me as she contemplated it.
Then she went for it, picking up the toy and bringing it to me.
Then we did a few recalls, where she had to run past the toy, without retrieving it, to come to me.

The next time that I sent her to retrieve the toy, she didn't hesitate.
And, she zoomed back to me with it.
We had so much fun! What a glorious summer day!
Happy Friday!


  1. Shyla is the total package, smarts and beauty. And what beautiful butterfly photos.

  2. No one deserves a sunny happy day than you and Shyla. Glad you are feeling better. Loved the butterfly photographs and, of course, sweet Shyla.

  3. Hi Kb
    The butterflys and the flower photo are sooo beautiful!! We feel like we could touch them!
    We love hearing about how you and Shyla play.. And she is soo smart.
    You have put a lot of training into her- all filled with love., She loves to play with you, and she loves to see you happy!

  4. Oh fun game! I've not been able to get Harlow to leave my side. I can do it if I put a treat or toy at arms length, but as soon as I step out of that circle, she won't do it.

    Monty and Harlow

  5. she's so smart and cute. :)

    love the butterflies!

  6. That first butterfly is just awesome!! Great new game for you and Shyla, she sure is a smart cookie!

  7. It thrills our heart to see smart dogs "play"...really meaning problem solve and respond with joy at success. Shyla is a very bright pup, your workouts challenge and stimulate.

    The butterflies and flower throat were so beautifully detailed that I could feel the textures.

  8. Great photos, and it sounds like a wonderful game that you played with Shyla too!

  9. What a stunningly beautiful, smart girl! I love how you can see her eyes turned towards you in the last photo.

  10. What a beautiful post this is from start to finish! What a joy you are, Shyla ♥

  11. Great job Shyla!!! That butterfly is gorgeous!

  12. What beautiful pictures! We can just about feel that butterfly flittering over us!!

    Lily & Muffin need to take some lessons from Shyla. The only thing they are good at is begging for treats :)


  13. That was simply great. Sometimes it is nice to just be able to read something just for the fun of it, and come away feeling happier than i did before beginning is a great bonus. Thank you.

  14. Lovely butterflies and flower! We dont have manyh butterflies this year.

  15. Hi Y'all!

    Beautiful butterfly photos! Love that last flower shot.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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