Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Alpine Autumn

It is truly becoming autumn here. Our time in the alpine zone last weekend might be the last camping up there for this year.

During one of my mountain bike rides over the weekend, I was high above our campsite, and I spotted the white LabMobile far below me. Do you see it?
I love the LabMobile. It's made it possible for me to camp all over the west despite the fact that my fragile spine can't handle sleeping in a tent. We thought about bringing our mobile camp up even higher - we might do that next time!

I enjoyed glorious bike rides with Shyla. We were above treeline so we weren't inside the golden aspen groves but, rather, we looked down on them.
Shyla seemed to energized by the boulders and the wide open spaces. She ran like the wind.
Some hunting seasons are underway - mostly birds and large game archery - so we weren't bedecked in all of our orange garb yet (we save that stuff for the large game rifle seasons). However, I have to admit that I am not comfortable with our dogs being anywhere near people toting what look like big guns to me. I've written in the past about our first dog who was murdered by a crazy man with a gun. The man was prosecuted and paid a price (but no price could match taking a life, in my opinion).

However, the legal system's punishment didn't heal my psyche, which still fears for the lives of my precious furry friends around guns - even when the people carrying them seem very responsible. I can't help it even though our horrific loss occurred a long time ago.

So, I kept Shyla quite close to me, curtailing her high speed running a little bit. Even on a bike, I'm slower than Shyla at full speed so she has to rein in her enthusiasm to stay next to me.
Although autumn was taking over the aspen groves, a few summer flowers hung on. "Old Man of the Mountain" flowers still bloomed.
And, in the shelter of the remnants of a mining cabin, fireweed glowed gloriously. It even had buds that hadn't opened yet!

However, there is no doubt that this alpine area will get its first big snowfall before too long. I was grateful to be there to enjoy it once more, before it becomes a high mountain winter wonderland.


  1. Wouldn't it be so wonderful to just enjoy all that beauty and not have a fear inside,,,,

  2. The fireweed is gorgeous! We don't get much fall color in CA!

  3. Shyla has so much energy.lol
    We saw a few trees yesterday starting to show colors. Your photos are beautiful.
    xo Cinnamon

  4. The colors are beautiful. I am sorry and a little sad about the hunters. You shouldn't have to be fearful of exploring. Shyla looks so beautiful in the sun.

    Anne and Sasha

  5. KB, Loved seeing these bright colors. When we went up to RMNP last weekend, we did see the large herd but the colors were sparse-just a few ribbons up high. I want to say that I am not ready for the snow(as if that will keep it away)and I hope autumn lasts a good long time yet-since we are just beginning to see the signs.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. So very beautiful!!

    Hunting season (guns) opens here within the next week....which will end my deep wood hiking for the season...not fond of guns...

  7. To wake up to that view every single day must be a dream! I know I say it all the time, but your photos are some of my favorites on the internet.

  8. You'll need to put orange jackets on the dogs, too.

    It's so gorgeous there.

  9. Extraordinary color! LOVE your pics!! Put the brightest yellow/orange/neon colors on that you can!! I simply cannot bear to read the post where you talk about that horrific accident. My heart goes out to you and I certainly understand how you feel. That is just awful. What a glorious trip you had with Shyla! Her spirit is so happy in these pictures!!

  10. I found the labmobile when I made the picture bigger. Such beautiful vista's on this trip.


  11. I'm so sorry. I've never had an animal taken from me that way, but I still fear people with guns harming my animals.

    Monty and Harlow

  12. Such beautiful scenes and yes, keep away from the hunters.

  13. We went back to the posting in the past and our mom is so upset that she can barely read this posting through her tears.
    Stay safe. Your adventures are always so breathtakingly gorgeous, KB ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  14. We're seeing change in the mountains and even valley areas but suddenly the heat came back!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. MOM and I can't see any of your photos. Just a oblong circle with a minus sign in it. I'll try to come back later to see if the photos will come up.

  16. Gorgeous scenery! I get dizzy just looking!


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