Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Winter or Autumn?

It seemed surreal even though I always say that it snows in every month except July and August. Last Friday morning, the temperature was 24° and fresh snow coated the world.

Shyla stared at the world with a look of surprise.
She looked even more surprised as she ran through the freezing world.
To top it off, I was coming down with a cold so I wasn't particularly happy on our morning mountain bike ride. Shyla seemed to inform me that we needed to do something about this - like go to the Bahamas.
Instead, we opted to drive over the Continental Divide to the western slope, where weather reports said that it was sunny and gorgeous - typical Colorado fall weather. They were right.
We went up very high, well above 11,000', driving through golden aspen groves as we climbed in our LabMobile. From our campsite, we looked down upon the gorgeous world, replete with deep blue lakes, pine trees, and golden aspens.
After spending the morning in the winter world near our home, we were all happy to be in the autumn world of the western slope!
The sun was intensely warm at high altitude although the temperature plummeted at night. We curled up in our sleeping bags with the "Labraduo" heating system keeping us cozy.
We had a great weekend - more about that in coming days.


  1. Isn't it wonderful how the worlds around us keep changing,,, and sending us surprises,,, one minute snow flakes-- and then a little ways away blue sky and golden leaves,,,,and its wonderful R and Shyla- you and runner - love it all!
    We love the beautiful photos.

  2. Oh Yes, the look on Shylas face is full of surprise. I can almost hear the wind blowing through the Aspen trees.
    Fall is slowly arriving here too.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  3. Love the fall. Not so much the snow.

  4. thank you for stopping by today. we love your beautiful photos
    Bailey & Hazel too

  5. Sun and snow, just like California. Beautiful last picture
    Lily & Edward

  6. OMD, that sounds amazin'!!!! (wells, except for the cold...I knows from Ma's last experience, that can suck the big one!!! ☺ gets better, okays?)
    Nows, all the beautiful nature sounds and looks FABulous, butts what really sounds good is the Labraheaters!!!
    Hot Doggies!!! hehehehe oh, I crack myself up....
    Ruby ♥

  7. Shyla's face in the second picture says it all!! Glad you found some warmer areas...just love all the gold leaves!

  8. One thing we learned quickly in this part of the country is how much difference just a few miles...or blocks, make in terms of weather, terrain, climate. The photos are striking, love the surprise caused by winter's appearance.

  9. What a great idea, drive over and there it is.. sunshine and golden leaves, your last photo with a bare silvered tree trunk, stunning backdrop and Shyla, gorgeously super. Hugs,Jean.

  10. Thank goodness for cars --- and weather reports!

  11. We can agree - we are so much happier with the cooler autumn temps but we're not quite ready for snow to stick around yet, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Last Friday when we were driving to Idaho Springs to pick up our friends, it was cold along the way and snow dusted the tree tops before our destination. When we got there, our friends told us that it had been so warm and beautiful in Eagle and even in Leadville. Isn't that just like Colorado-snowing one minute and 70degrees the next day; in our case snowing in one area and nice and warm in another. Glad you got to the warmth.
    Hugs, Noreen

  13. You always have the BEST adventures!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  14. Okay, your weather do be more multiple personality than ours! BOL!

  15. How wonderful that you can so easily change from too-early winter back to lovely autumn. Love the photographs.

  16. I would say keep that snow there for a while longer while my pups would say "bring it on":)


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