Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Autumn's Glory

Last weekend, we were high above treeline with golden aspens below us.
We gazed out at them on the mountains below us.
Now, autumn has come to our neck of the woods. Our bike rides and hikes are through tunnels of golden leaves.
I love the nuances in color among different aspens. The ones behind Shyla in the next photo were very orange.
And, a few select aspen trees have reddish leaves. These are my favorites because they are like red jewels in a sea of gold.
We've had the most glorious week of autumn here. The weather has been warm but not hot. The sun has shined continuously. And, Shyla and I have had a blast romping and rolling through the fall aspens!
I am fervently hoping that we are gifted with more glorious days like these before winter arrives!

P.S. I am working on getting my photos taken down from the sites that have been stealing them. I promise to tell you about the process after I have some results since some of you have faced the same problem. Thanks for your advice and support!


  1. glad you're getting some resolution on your robbed photos! these are lovely. :)

  2. Gorgeous! It's finally starting to be a little cooler and less humid in the mornings and evenings. I'm so excited for fall.

  3. Just beautiful. Our Aspens have not turned just yet. But the maple and oaks and just brilliant. Hope you continue to have the glorious weather.

  4. the colors are beautiful there. We till have a lot of green. A few trees are starting to turn, but we haven't had enough cool nights yet.

    Congrats on your work with the pilfered photos.

  5. Beautiful colors, beautiful sunlight.

  6. What wonderful fall colors!!!
    Thanks for keeping us informed with your photo issues...I really need to do something, and am curious how you are combating the issue!

  7. Great colors! It's been quite warm here, so not much change yet.

  8. I love autumn in your world!
    We hope the bad people get caught,,
    I wonder if they steal mine too.

  9. Orange, red and gold, with some yellow thrown in, all totally gorgeous. So glad the stolen photos issues may be resolved. Hope it is done soon, and the baddies all get punished, at least that is what I thought happened when I was a child!!! Hugs,Jean.

  10. Fall is my favorite season, and Shyla makes it even prettier!

  11. The aspen colors are just gorgeous! We love autumn! It's out very favorite season ♥

  12. Such beautiful fall colors. Fall is certainly one thing I miss about living in CA. Having come from the northeast where we had glorious fall colors...the shades of brown in CA just don't cut it. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Hope you get to the bottom of your stolen photos. Why can't they just enjoy them here on your site??? dumb.... and not nice... of those thugs.

  14. You have such beautiful photos. No one should be able to take credit for them!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. I once was in Colorado in the fall and I remember those aspen - stunning! The colors just blew me away. So very beautiful!
    I'm sorry that your photos were stolen - that really sucks big time!

  16. Oh - lovely photos! Shyla's eyes mirror the fall colors.


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