Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Happy Friday

I hope that you have as much fun this weekend as the Labraduo had playing at DogLeap Lake yesterday!
Be sure to shake off any lake water, just like R did!
Happy Friday.


  1. Happy Crazy Love.
    Have a Pawsome Weekend.

    xo Cinnamon

  2. R's face is priceless! P.S. This is a totally random question, but what is R's name? Why can't I remember??

  3. Pure joy all over those beautiful faces:)

    Happy weekend.

  4. I just love the whirls of water from Shyla's tail. Not sure I can have as much fun as the duo, but I'll give it a try. They look totally happy.

  5. Oh my gosh- what fun,, and what fantastic photos KB!!! You are so amazing with that camera...
    oh wow,,,,,! thank you for sharing the fun,,,,
    total amazement!

  6. Oh my gosh, they are so cute!! <3 Those photos are awesome!!

  7. We read that as LeapDog first. Thought it was a new kind of leap frog. Sheesh!

    Love that photo of R shaking--the look on his face is priceless.

  8. We hope that you and Shyla have another great weekend, R! Wonderful photos!

  9. Great shots! Me and Stanley run and share things in our mouth too. Mom says sometimes it is hilarious!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Oh thanks for sharing. Those photos certainly brought a smile to our faces. Just wonderful.
    No worries, and love, Carol, Stella and Rory

  11. Whoa, I didn't even recognize R in photo #2! I love these "shake" shots.

  12. I guffawed at that second picture!!!! I LOVE HIM! And the tail trails were adorable :)


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