Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thank you

Today is the day that we go visit the lake where we used to celebrate K's birthday every year. We've kept that tradition since her death, and now it's a day of remembering K while loving our current Duo.

In my rush to try to "lock down" my photos yesterday, I briefly made every photo in my blog disappear. I completely panicked, which made it incredibly clear how much this blog means to me. Many of my memories of K are tied to the photos and stories about her posted here.

After I fixed the problem and reinstated the photos, I went back to read the the post just after K's death where I received many heartfelt messages from you. The steadfast support of many of you over the years makes this blog even more special to me.

For today, I'm posting just two photos - one of Shyla, the girl who has helped heal my heart.
And a photo of the stars, viewed by my camera over many hours from our campsite last weekend. When I gaze out into the sky, I feel like K is with me. Her spirit is all around me, wrapped up in the beauty of Mother Earth.
Thanks to all of you for your support over these past five years in Blogville!


  1. Wooooos, Shyla is very beautiful indeed!


  2. Just keep keepin' on! Nothing like a beautiful lab or night sky photo to brighten the darkest day!

  3. As long as you keep blogging, we'll still be right here by your side!

    Thank you for the wonderful years of getting to know you and your pack.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  4. Lovely. Yes, Blogville is definitely a great place to be.

  5. Wow, that second photo blows us away! Magnificent! Do you have a digital photo frame so you can enjoy all your great photos all the time?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. I'm glads you got your photos back! I would have panicked too!
    Blogville is a most FABulous place, and we are always here for you!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Getting to see the Duo each time you post is our pleasure.
    Thank you for sharing the pups, wildlife and mountain vistas.
    Oh and let's not forget the night sky.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  8. A beautiful post and tribute to the spirit of K, and a reminder of strength, and how the circle of life continues.

  9. That Kim! Of course - the circle of life. What a perfect theme for today's post. Happy Birthday, sweet K. I hope you and Gizmo are zooming around the bridge on eight strong legs :-)

  10. I thought the picture problem was just me and the new iPad!

    Happy birthday K!

  11. Whew, so glad you were able to fix the problem.

    And most especially we hope you had a good day remembering all the joy and love from your time with K.

  12. One of the blessings in our lives is that we found you. Enjoy each photo you share and the in the words we find inspiration.

  13. Blogville is definitely a wonderful place!

    ....and your star trails are totally awesome!

  14. Thank you for sharing your pictures and your lives with us.

  15. This post,,, we feel so much love coming from your heart,,,, all your word so beautifully said....
    We are so glad you got the photos back on the blog, and that scary moment is gone.

    K's spirit- we feel it every day!!
    Yes - every day.

  16. I'm glad you got your photos straightened out. I don';t know if I ever watched your tribute before, but I sure enjoyed watching it. We can certainly tell that K was a special dog to you.

  17. I am so glad you were able to figure out the problem and retrieve all of your photos!! I have had a similar experience and it is frightening!! We all remember K with love and Shyla is absolutely stunning...she has the most remarkable coloring! The star photo is awesome!!


  18. I hope you all had a wonderful day, KB.

  19. Thank you! for sharing your gorgeous little section of our world. For those of us who live in the crowded urban/suburban world, your blog is a slice of heaven!

  20. Blogville is a wonderful and supportive place. And that awesome Shyla too.

  21. Sharing your journies with us is a gift to us!!! THANKS!!

  22. In many ways, I feel like K's illness and passing was a unifying factor for a lot of blogs. So many people were touched by K's story and it shows in the community that gathers here how it brought many people together, but not only that, made many of us more grateful for every day we have. I am still terribly sorry that K had to leave much too early, but when I think about all the blessings she left behind, not only for you, but for those of us who have followed the journey, I think she had a special mission. She made sure there would be a lot of people and a very special dog to come along to take care of you after she was gone. And today's star trail picture is spectacular!

  23. What an awesome star photo! Shyla is just gorgeous. You take the best photos. Thanks for sharing them with us.


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