Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Black Dog Sunday

As most of you know, I get far fewer opportunities to photograph our sweet R than Shyla. But, I really love getting photos of him in golden aspen season so we went out the other evening for some photos around sunset.
After many years of photographing R, I have *finally* learned that strong sunlight makes black dog photography even harder. So, I like to wait until we have soft light around sunset.
And, R always looks very intense at that time of day. I think the wildlife are stirring, and he knows it.
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Such wonderful photos of the most handsome R!

  2. Oh we could stare at the last photo all day.
    He is so handsome.
    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  3. Yes! love that last photo, what a handsome boy
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  4. R is such a beautiful dog, and he has such a sweet look about him :) Thanks for sharing these lovely photos!

  5. Mom has a hard time taking pictures of me too. You are a beauty
    Edward (& Lily)

  6. The title should be "Beautiful Black Dog Sunday".

  7. R is amazingly handsome!!! And that yellow glow behind him just adds to the beauty of his black and shiny coat:)

  8. I know you are enjoying each moment of our fleeting Autumn. Both R and Shyla are so photogenic, but with you behind the camera it doesn't surprise me. Love seeing R back-lit with the golden Aspen leaves.
    May your week be filled with joy and love.
    Hugs, Noreen

  9. Beautiful. R is so handsome and the background is lovely.

  10. He is so very handsome, and what a wonderful pose, great lighting, lovely golden leaves, Super Duper!! Hugs to all, Jean

  11. He is one handsome guy. And you capture him beautifully.

  12. PAWSOME shots!!! Not only is the lighting just right, butts the yellow flowers in the background really contrast well with his coat!
    And, well, R's just a most FABulous subject anyhu...☺
    Ruby ♥

  13. You and your magic camera have captured some beautiful photos of R!

    The golden leaves, and it was just the perfect timing of day to capture that perfect soulful look!

  14. Prince Arrr is just handsomer every day and I would love to give him a big hug sometime.

    I hope you all wear the quilt to shreds, that is exactly what they are for.

    Thanks for the note!

    Jo. Stella and Zkhat

  15. Beautiful photos of handsome R, KB!

  16. R is certainly on alert- and you perfectly captured the glint in his eyes!

  17. He's just sooooo handsome!!

    High fives for the beautiful pictures.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  18. Black dogs are definitely a tightrope when depicted in art and photographs. R looks great in that last photo... you really captured the depth and shine that black dogs have!

  19. Black dogs are hard to photograph, but you make it look easy!

  20. I think you do a great job on photographing a black dog - it's a challenge. But you are so good at it, I think you should come out here and show me how to get better snaps of the black goats!

  21. He looks just beautiful in these photos! Love his black fur with the bright yellow!

  22. Beautiful photos. Warm greetings from Montreal.

  23. Black dog photos are hard but those are great!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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