Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Fleeting Golden World

We know it can't last forever. The sweet warm days of autumn with golden light everywhere make me wish that time could stand still.
Today seems to be the leaf-peeping day of the year around here. Over the past few weeks, Shyla and I haven't seen anyone on our mountain bike rides on the trails near our house. Today we saw four people, all of whom were visiting the area to see the fall foliage.

The happy news was that Shyla wanted to meet and greet everyone, and they all loved her! I've started calling her "our little ambassador". Two years ago, I would have laughed at anyone who suggested that I'd ever call her an "ambassador" because she was so shy!

This morning, we almost exclusively rode in aspen groves. I can't do anything else right now because soon the leaves will be gone. Inside the aspen groves, the whole world looks golden.
Shyla is better at enjoying what we have today and not thinking about the future than I am.
But, unlike Shyla, I noticed that some of my favorite colored trees are starting to lose their leaves. This red-leafed aspen clung to a few remaining leaves.
My happy girl doesn't seem to mind the falling leaves.
She makes me smile and keeps reminding me to revel in today rather than worrying about tomorrow.


  1. Hi friend, On Thursday as we drove from Leadville to Aspen the colors were glorious. On our way home yesterday from Steamboat, we saw many leaves falling. Enjoy the beauty.

  2. she's really blossoming. that's awesome.

  3. I love the world inside of autumn Aspen groves too! It's funny to me how fast it all happens. I feel like I had seen no turning leaves hen suddenly yesterday there were leaves blowing all over the ground. How does it happen? But having the fall world more to ourselves while we're out and about is a huge plus too.... Although I have three ambassadors! (It makes me smile to see how far Shyla has come.)

  4. Such lovely photos. Shyla has made such amazing progress!

  5. Shyla really has come so far in her journey to being miss ambassador.
    I am so glad she can enjoy new things now. I know you must be so proud of her
    The colors haven't really changed to much here yet, yours are breathtaking.

    xo Linda and Cinnamon

  6. I wanted to thank you for your words of comfort and for reading about our Greta. It was so important to me for people to know just how special she was.
    Bailey & Hazel

  7. Shyla? Ambassador?? I'm so proud of her - and you!!

  8. I miss the beautiful changes in the mountains in the fall that come all at once -- It happens so fast, but it's wonderful that you and your girl are able to enjoy it!

  9. Thanks for sharing your beautiful color and Shyla. We don't have much color around here yet.

  10. Right now we don't have much golden leaves,, but maybe we will see some soon. Your golden world is beautiful, and Shyla has come so far!

  11. Shyla is loving fall as much as I am! Our leaves are at peak in Breckenridge.

  12. We are having Golden Warm Days (it was 85 degrees today!) I love Shyla with the gold around her, her eyes are so beautiful.

    You once told me you didn't think you could do much of anything with Shyla; how happy it makes me that you were SO wrong.

    Love and hugs,
    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  13. That's great about Shyla! Autumn hasn't really come here yet.

  14. I love fall, the golden time, I call it. And it's gone way to fast.

  15. Shyla has really come into herself in these past few years! Maybe she should be the Blogville Forest Ranger?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Beautiful way to spend a fall day!


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