Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Black Lab Sunday

This boy never ceases to make me laugh with his hilarious enthusiasm for life.
As I took this photo, he decided that he wanted to wave at the camera. His wave totally surprised me so only his nose is in focus :)
Then, he had a word or two for the camera - again, unexpected, but funny nonetheless!
We love our R. His spirit is unique and infectiously happy!


  1. Waving right back at you, R!!

    Bart, Ruby and Otto

  2. R always makes us smile:) Such a handsome happy boy!!!

    Thanks for the suggestion about the muzzle for Phantom. That would probably work well for most dogs, but he would be very upset by it. He did pretty well for a day or so with the bitter orange, but he got at it again this morning. No big harm done, but he is back to wearing the inflatable ring:(

  3. Love it! Saw lots of labs at the Dogapoolooza yesterday!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. You have to love a lab that speaks his mind :-)!

  5. We LOVE us some R!! Big high five paw right back at you buddy.

  6. Happy Crazy Love.
    R, you're such a crack up you make me laugh and smile at the same time.
    Waving Hello back at ya.
    Happy Lazy Sunday.

    xo Cinnamon

  7. You gotta love a dog with a sense of humor. You rock, R.

  8. R sound a lot like our Walter. Always making us laugh.

  9. I do love that boy! I'm an exuberant pup myself, so we're kindred spirits. I love the wave!

  10. SO great to see photos of a black Lab...I have such a hard time photographing our Maggie.

  11. Laughter and happiness in those eyes. Hugs,Jean

  12. We absolutely adore you, R! Wavin' right back atcha!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  13. That's a great photo series. He appears to be so solemn in the first shot, then lets his goofy side out! Love it!

  14. He has the best face, and obviously the personality to match it.


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