Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Amazing Shyla

The sunlight is changing. Since I started loving photography, I've noticed how much warmer the light is as we move out of summer and into autumn. It makes Shyla's chocolate fur glow.
We are beseeching the heavens for more warm and sunny days to enjoy before our first frost and snow. We know that they are not far away.
I haven't mentioned it, because I've been afraid of jinxing it, but Shyla's confidence seems to have suddenly and unexpectedly grown wildly strong. She's meeting all sorts of people politely but very warmly. She gives kisses to people who she just met (but never forces kisses upon non-dog people). I watch her with absolute amazement. She's my girl, and I'm so happy that her true spirit is starting to shine through.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Shyla is so gorgeous!! Yay for confidence!! What a good girl!! :D

  3. My big brave boy Otto calmly walked by two horses yesterday!! Woo HOO! Cheering for increasing confidence!!

  4. Lovely pictures of a beautiful and maturing girl.

  5. Yes!!!!! Over the last year, Hunter has become more comfortable with strangers and so mellow when others come into our home vs running and hiding. These kiddos has blossomed under our wings of love. Well done KB! I know she will continue to mature and amaze you-maybe one day in Boulder too.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. So glad she's blossoming! She's a gorgeous gal!

  7. I know with horses they have that "aha" moment - where everything you have worked so hard for clicks. I wonder if Shyla has has her "aha" moment?

    Monty and Harlow

  8. And we love how she is progressing,,,, your love is growing deeper and deeper- and trust goes hand in hand too

  9. Such wonderful photos of beautiful Shyla!

  10. It's as warming as the sun to see your beautiful girl blossom!

  11. You have done fantastic work in building her confidence! We had a glorious day here today, but nothing with photos like yours:)

  12. I agree with you, the autumn light is so much warmer and gentler than the summer light.
    Actually - I would love to meet Shyla. She is an exceptional dog. I'm a dog person even though we don't have a dog due to severe allergies in my family. However, that doesn't stop me to love dogs.
    Your photos are - as usual - stunning. I love them.

  13. That's wonderful about her confidence!

  14. And the blossoming Shyla is because you are such a fine trainer. You listen to her and it's paying off big dividends.

  15. Shyla...you sooooooo rock!!!!
    Smileys Kisses!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo

    PeeEss...you also do a pawesome Downward Dog!!!

  16. Oh, that is PAWSOME Shyla!!!! Looks like your Moms trainin' has paid off in spades!!! High Paw!!!
    LOVES the pics!!
    Ruby ♥

  17. She is so beautiful in any light. Glad you are back with interweb connection. That last photo is just stunning.

  18. Oh so beautiful. She reminds us of K on her rock
    Lily & Edward

  19. Shyla has YOU to thank for all of her confidence! Great team!!

  20. Shyla is what she is because of all your patience with her.

  21. Beautiful pictures. I love when the sun shines on Delilah too!!


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