Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 5, 2014

All in a Fall Day

Our world is definitely inching toward autumn, yet some flowers are still trying to shine brightly. This is one I planted last year.
A Columbine in my garden... I treasure any Columbine blossom in September!
And, one of many aspen leaves that have turned gold. Most are still green but these ones are telling us what is just ahead!
I love autumn but I know what comes after it. I feel a little like Shyla - I want to cover my eyes and pretend that autumn isn't on the way!
Happy September!


  1. she's so cute. i love columbine! such an exotic and interesting bloom!

  2. Enjoy that weather before you know it the snow will be here
    Lily & Edward

  3. Opposite here, naturally. Everything is blooming beautifully.

  4. I have mixed feelings about this time of year too but love the cooler evenings and less bugs. We've already had a light frost. Brrr! But back to almost hot weather now.

  5. BOL! Cute Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Extra special photo of Shyla:-) And your flowers are gorgeous!

  7. Hi KB, love your Columbine and pretty pink flower. Although I embrace the fall, I don't necessarily feel ready for winter. I'm hoping that when we get up to Leadville(if I'm able, I'm having some physical issues)that we will see beautiful colors. I know it is still early, but a gal can hope.
    Love Shyla's pose-she is just such a dear.
    Have a glorious weekend dear friend.

  8. What a stunning columbine!!! We had a fall-like day here today, quite the change over this week's humid hot days. Fall is a very nice season and then comes winter and the snow - my pups' delight and not so much for me.

  9. It's insane to me that you're already experiencing signs of fall. It's still full summer here; the only hint of fall is a breeze off the gulf in the evenings.

  10. Autumn is my favorite time of year, but I can understand why you hate to see it come. I love your pictures!

  11. You are too cute, Shyla! Your flowers are just beautiful, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. We are with Shyla on hoping that fall stays away for a few weeks!

  13. Beautiful flowers and an especially beautiful picture of Shyla! We love Fall here, but I can understand what you mean about what comes after. The Farmers Almanac tells us we are in for a cold one here in Michigan. I hope they are wrong.

    Anne and Sasha


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