Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wednesday on Thursday

It's been a week of lots of things going wrong - but none are huge in the larger scheme of life. One of them is that our internet is kaput, until a technician can visit this weekend to attempt to fix it. I will have a very brief internet window at a friend's house each day, and that's it (I may have withdrawal symptoms!).

So, here are the photos that I planned to post yesterday for Wordless Wednesday before we were cut off from the world.

Do you see the shooting star in the next photo taken at a new Moon? This was from yet another place named after K - K's Kampsite, high above Salida, Colorado.
And these were the trails left by the stars over hours in the same campsite. It's a heavenly place.
I don't think that I'll ever get tired of trying to photograph the night sky. The stars are mystical.

I think that Shyla likes looking at the sky too, based on the next photo!
I will be trying to keep up, but don't worry if there is silence here any day in the near future. It's really hard to live without any internet access these days!


  1. very beautiful. good luck with the internet!

  2. Internet woes are so incredibly frustrating! I hope you get it settled soon.

    Today's pictures are really incredible! I always love your star trail photos, but that first one is a total stunner!


  3. Beautiful! Good luck with the internet, we know those woes all too well.

  4. Must be something in the air. Our internet has been awful since we returned from Washington.

    I always love your night shots and star trails. I'm so glad your friend is letting you feed us such tasty eye candy!

  5. Love love those pics. I hope you get everything fixed soon.

  6. We have had a lot of connection issues this week too - very frustrating. Love the star trail shots - totally puzzles me as to how you do that:)

  7. Wonderful shots! Hope the interweb dude can get it fixed in one shot.

  8. Fantastic pictures. Nothing more frustrating than internet problems
    Lily & Edward

  9. Is our world really THAT beautiful?? OMD!

  10. OMD, those photos are AMAZIN'!!!!!
    Ma's just gonna look at them awhile...
    And I'm gonna look at you Shyla!
    Ruby ♥

  11. That first one is absolutely incredible!

  12. We never get tired of looking at any of your photos!!!
    They are magnificent!
    We hope your internet gets fixed soon,,, so you have one less thing to worry about.

  13. I hope your internet problems are fixed soon!! I love your night sky photography!! They are amazing! :D

  14. Love the pictures, and I sympathize with you about your internet! Hope it's back soon.

  15. Love the first shot best! It's fabulous as are all of your photos, KB!

  16. Always love seeing your pictures. They are spectacular. What a beautiful place you live in. Hoping your internet is fixed soon. :-)
    Barb and the furkids

  17. It's amazing how attached we get to the internet.

    Your photos are beautiful.

    Monty and Harlow

  18. Wow that first photo has left me speechless!

  19. I hear you on the internet thing! I spent a couple of hours last night transferring files to my new laptop...took me a week to commit, after all the kerfuffle of internet and computer issues last month.
    I think that top image is one of my all-time favorites of your many awe-inspiring landscapes, KB. I would like to have a print on my wall. On my entire wall. And since I only have one section of interior wall in my whole house, that is my highest degree of admiration.

  20. Stunning, absolutely stunning!

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws
    "Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle!"

  21. We understand about the internet. I always prepare and schedule posts when at the laundromat using free wifi since we don't have internet at home. Good luck!


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