Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Running headlong toward winter

A step in the transition to winter...
Look behind the Labraduo atop Hug Hill. Yes, that's snow on the mountains and a winter blanket of clouds clinging to them. It appears that the high mountains got a good covering of the white stuff last night.
And I needed winter layers plus mittens to ride this morning...
We are now running, rather than inching, toward full-on winter.
The golden leaves are coming down fast but there are still groves that glow with color.
For the moment, I'll still focus on the golden hues. I'm not ready to take out the Snow Bike yet - although I know that the snow on the horizon will be coming to our elevation soon.
As I gazed at the mountains today, I was reminded that I love the beauty and quiet of winter.

P.S. I must also say how sad I was to read of Dr. Sophia Yin's passing. She taught the world so much about how to help fearful dogs like Shyla. As I look at Shyla today, I feel great gratitude for all Dr. Yin did while on this Earth to help the Shylas of the world but I also feel sadness that she won't be continuing to use her scientific training to teach people how to rehabilitate fearful pets.


  1. Looks like winter is closing in. We're just breaking out the sunscreen for Roxy's nose, pool for the pups and sandals for HER.

  2. Yep we have a bit of the white stuff here too. Love the Duo shots.

  3. It's snowing hard here in Breckenridge. I think our fall is over. Enjoy yours until the white stuff comes your way! My hands were frozen this morning even with lightweight gloves when I went out to take pictures. I'll have to toughen up!

  4. We have a lot of rain and t-storms coming in tomorrow, and then a big cooldown. Must be headed our way from you. The pups say, send some snow, but please keep it there for a good long while.

  5. So sad that someone couldn't help Dr. Yin as much as she helped animals. What a shame.

    I'm so not ready for winter although we are expecting a mild one. Looks like the duo are anticipating the snow.

  6. I hope we don't have any snow for a couple of months yet, but there is a definite change in the air here!

  7. One day it seems like summer, then it feels like fall,,, then we wonder what it is,,, but right now its dark and we see the crescent moon. Its almost half.
    Very beautiful photos of Shyla and R..
    Yes its very sad about Dr. Sophia Yin.

  8. The snow will be upon you before you know it. Keep warm.

  9. they sure look great against that snowy backdrop!

  10. It is amazing how fast summer went! Stay warm while you can!

  11. Gorgeous photos. I hope we'll get an actual winter here in So Cal this year. It's been way too hot and dry for way too long. (So sad about Dr. Yin.)

  12. Oh NO! What very sad new about Dr. Yin! She has given so much. A tragic loss.

  13. Brrrrr, I am not ready for winter. Hopefully we can escape to Arizona before the snow flies here.

  14. Beautiful photos, but if winter shows up here we are sending it to you. We were very sad to hear about the most wonderful Doc.

  15. I wasn't familiar with Dr.Yin so when I heard about her passing, I did my research. Very definitely a huge loss for the dog community. May she rest in peace.

  16. What gorgeous photos! We're hoping that autumn will hang on for a couple of months longer before we see snow. We do love it but we can wait!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  17. Oh, I loves those shots!!! I heard that it was snowin' in your neck of the woods! It snowed here in the Sierras too! Butts it's all melted now. It's gonna be in the 100's this weekend, so no more snow here for a while..nuts.
    Sorry to hear abouts Dr. Yin...anyone who can help doggies is a hero in my book!!!
    Ruby ♥

  18. We're pretty cool today but it is supposed to warm up nicely. No winter here but the snow is supposed to be at 7000 feet tonight.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. They're so cute! I love the backdrop with the snowy mountains!!

    We've been having some strange weather here! On Sunday it was snowing on the passes but then this week they are saying it's going to be in the 80's!

  20. Oh my, snow already!? Down here at sea level it was in the 80's today…But we don't have your mountain beauty to savor!

    I'm sorry to hear about Dr. Yin. She must have been a special doctor.

  21. Snow at the end of September/beginning of October! Wow. We're having another heat wave here - I'm done with the heat, I'd love to have cooler days when we can actually keep our windows open all day. However, I wouldn't like to wear mittens and winter layers right now either.

  22. Hi KB
    Just stopping by to see how you are doing. Your Winter is starting and we are entering warmer, sunnier days - in typical global contrast. Your photos remain as beautiful as always, and it's nice to see your vibrant duo again. I hope you are doing ok too.
    Sending lotsaluv


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