Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - National Black Dog Day Edition

It is really National Black Dog Day. Adopt a black dog - they rock!


  1. they do! the last two i adopted from the country shelter were two big black dogs. :)

  2. I love black dogs. I truly do not understand the stigma. Joy just shines from R's eyes.

  3. Oh so very handsome! Having owned a few black labs over the years, your photos always make me look back with a smile!

  4. I KNEW Fish&Wildlife must be joking about this being Raccoon Appreciation Day!

  5. I wish I knew that so I could have featured by sweet black dog Maggie...but hey, I did post her pic on FB today, so I guess that's good. We love our shiny black beauties!

  6. Yay, R! You are such a handsome fellow. And your mom takes beautiful pictures!

  7. Happy Black Dog Day from one black dog owner to another. They do ROCK!

  8. You are so handsome, R! We just love your smile! Happy National Black Dog Day!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. R truly shines, and super photos, as always. Love the golden flowery background. Cheers,Jean

  10. Millie knows how much fun black dogs are too!

  11. Ja, auch ich habe einen schwarzen Labrador....wunderschön!
    LG Smilla


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