Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Slickrock World

Desert slickrock can hurt a dog's paw pads very fast. So, we have boots for our dogs to wear when they run on slickrock.
The hard part is Shyla simply doesn't like boots. She moves in a funny way when she wears them. The next photo is of Shyla running in her boots. Obviously, her gait is not at all normal when she wears them!
On this trip, her dislike of the boots seemed to grow more intense by the day. This was still on the first day of boots, and she already looked forlorn in the middle of one of our rides.
My vet has suggested another type of boot that Shyla might like better. On slickrock, a dog's boots need to be very tough. On our first trip there, we used simple nylon boots, and they were shredded by the slickrock within a day.

So, during this section of our trip, I kept Shyla's runs pretty short, and then I headed out to ride on my own, while she relaxed in camp with the boys.

I love visiting buttes that have large slickrock aprons around them. My bike size puts the butte's size in perspective!
I particularly love how quiet these places are in November. I had the entire slickrock playground to myself. Do you see the snowy peaks way off in the distance? I love the contrast with the red rock.
In between slickrock areas, I rode on sandy 4wd roads like this one. As I tried to pedal through the deep sand, I wished for my snowbike because its wide tires would be ideal in sand.
After my ride and some relaxation time, we'd go for a walk as a pack around sunset. At this campsite, there is rock art all around us so we'd visit it each afternoon.
Entire sections of wall are covered in it. It's incredible having relics of human history surrounding us. But, it's sad to see that modern humans feel the need to deface some of these walls. A few more sets of initials appear each year in the midst of the petroglyphs.
As we finished our walks, the moon would look beautiful among the red rocks.
The intricate shapes of the rocky buttes were mystical at dusk, particularly with the moon over them.
After our evening walk, we'd quickly jump in the van to warm up. Then, I'd get out my tripod and start shooting the stars. It was an incredible trip with clear skies every night except for one. I'll save more star photos for a future post but, be forewarned, I have lots of them after such great weather and long nights in the desert!


  1. just beautiful. poor shyla and her boot disdain!

  2. Zoe relates to Shyla about hating boots. She's allergic to wet grass and she will occasionally get paw infections. When that happens she has to wear boots until it clears up. No fun!!

    Your desert pictures are awesome!! It's so pretty there! Now I want to go. :D

  3. I am glad Shyla has paw protection. Beautiful photos!

  4. Truly wonderful, I hope the next style of boots is a lot more acceptable to darling girl, I can see by her face she thinks this isn't fun at all. Stunning colours there in every rock. Jean.

  5. Just so incredible! Shyla really doesn't look happy with her boots. ;)

  6. So beautiful. I get really frustrated by the people who defile those ancient drawings. Far too often we see initials carved by similar people here in the mountains, on the rocks, on the trees, and especially on the foot bridges.

    I do hope Shyla gets used to the boots. She's adapted to a lot of things and I'll bet she will adapt to these as well.

  7. Phantom would totally sympathize with Shyla over the boot wearing. Too bad they don't make some sort of sticky pad that you could adhere to the bottom of the paw.

    The art work is amazing - too bad some people have no respect.

  8. We hope Shyla makes friends with her boots some day- they look like they are staying on!
    More beautiful photos for us to enjoy- thank you.
    Its just awful that people destroy the beauty that is there for us to enjoy.

  9. Gorgeous! Those rock formations is one of the things on HER bucket list...so thanks for showing us.

  10. I'm glad you had a great trip even if Shyla hates her boots. Poor Sammy has sensitive feet, and he doesn't mind his boots so much. http://cheerfulmonk.com/2014/07/04/sammys-boots/

  11. Stunning photos! I love those rocks!! Poor Shyla! We had a german shepherd puppy and I'll never forget when my daugher ( who was young at the time ) put boots on that dog...she looked like she was MARCHING! It was the funniest thing!! Hope Shyla gets used to them...it really does protect their feet!

  12. What beautiful photos! You need to protect those paws, Shyla.

  13. Booties for the doggies became part of our reality last winter because Sophie's hair had grown rather long between the toes and she was unable to manage deep snow or any snow for that matter. Ice balls are so painful. We bought rubbery /latex ones which do not last because her toenails skewered them. This year we are going to manage the toe hairs better and locate a better foot cover. Yours look very interesting and durable.
    Your photos become mesmerizing especially when the moon and rocks are silhouetted ~ many thanks for sharing your world KB.

  14. Shyla's boots look like doggy sneakers. My Breezy wore canvas boots even hiking in winter so ice wouldn't build up between her toes. She walked very gingerly at first, but eventually got used to them. You were in a gorgeous desert landscape.

  15. I am pretending right now, that I am there in that beautiful space, and feeLing all thone special moments.

  16. I am pretending right now, that I am there in that beautiful space, and feeLing all thone special moments.

  17. I am pretending right now, that I am there in that beautiful space, and feeLing all thone special moments.

  18. I am pretending right now, that I am there in that beautiful space, and feeLing all thone special moments.

  19. I am pretending right now, that I am there in that beautiful space, and feeLing all thone special moments.

  20. I am pretending right now, that I am there in that beautiful space, and feeLing all thone special moments.


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