Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 5, 2014

A Sunset among the Desert Towers

During our desert trip, Shyla and I mountain biked to the top of a cliff that I told you about a few days ago.We looked down on a region of red towers sculpted by wind and water.
A few days later, we drove down to hike among the towers in the far right of this photo at sunset.
We chose sunset because, at this time of year, the sun shines directly at the towers as it sets on the other side of the Colorado River, and the towers glow in its light. Moreover, very few people visit this site at this time of year.
I first learned about the incredible winter sunset light at this site when I photographed K here a few years ago. There's something about the combination of the red rock, chocolate labrador fur, and golden eyes at sunset that I cannot resist.
So, Shyla and I let the boys forge ahead for a real hike while we found a quiet spot to take photos.
We were there just as the sun dipped below the western horizon. The rays no longer touched us but the tops of the tallest towers still glowed. It looked like a magical kingdom to me.
And the half moon looked down upon the towers. It's one of the most special places for a sunset hike that I know of.
Across the valley from us, more desert buttes and towers stood tall below the glorious sunset sky.
I feel warm, relaxed, and peaceful just remembering that sunset.

Thanks for all of your nice comments yesterday. Shyla's eye looks better although I do have the migraine that I felt coming on as I wrote yesterday's post. Hopefully, I'll be free of it by tomorrow.


  1. Gorgeous photos! I especially love the half moon image. Your blog never disappoints :)

  2. Seems weird that with science being what it is that migraines can't be "cured"! We just posted some impawtent information and dates about upcoming events you will want to check!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. What spectacular photos! We didn't get much last light on the red rocks this trip because of cloud cover. I'm so glad Shyla's eye is okay and that the skies cooperated for you!

  4. So sorry that modern medicine cannot seem to alleviate your migraine problem. Bummer.

    Lovely photographs. They gave me such a feeling of peace.

  5. You sure live in the most amazing place! Howdy Shyla!

  6. Fantastic images of a fantastic landscape!

  7. So beautiful - we can see why you love it so much too. Hope the migraine is gone by now.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. Oh my gosh, so beautiful ...almost doesn't seem real! Thanks for sharing these images with those of us who live far away from such beauty.

  9. When we look at these photos that you share with us,, mommy gets tears in her eyes,, because of the beauty,, She says its soooo much splendor, that its beyond being able to imagine,,,
    We just want to look at these photos all night,, and all day,, and then all night again,,
    thank you,, thank you
    And we hope your better, and Shyla better too.

  10. Let the eyes heal and the migraines go away. Your last photo, I can see a castle tower, a huge flat roof of a fortress, and a very tall person standing on the right hand side. Totally amazing photos, no wonder you love there so very much. Take care, Jean.

  11. Wow for the pictures!

    I'm glad Shyla's eye is under control, but as usual, I'm sorry about your migraines.

  12. Absolutely stunning! We hope your migraine is history, KB!

  13. Wow! So very beautiful!

    Monty and Harlow

  14. KB - I don't write much but I ALWAYS, ALWAYS enjoy your blog posts. Thank you so much for sharing all that you do. Your blog is so enjoyable to read. I love these desert pictures and wonder, what is the general area you are in (Arizona, I know)? I hope to some day visit that area.



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