Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Nature's Christmas Light

We had that incredible sunrise light this morning that I've been craving. Deep winter is when the sun rays are unbelievably red at sunrise. The sunrise light around Christmas awes me every year.

The only problem was that we were up late last night having a celebration with our extended family - so Shyla and I had to drag ourselves out of bed earlier than we wished to see the sunrise. Shyla seemed as tempted to snooze as I was!
We could only stay in one place for a short time because it was so cold that I was having trouble feeling my camera shutter finger. So, we started moving around, getting the blood flowing again.

As we got moving, Shyla did a "stay" with her shadow lurking behind her.
 And then I called her - and I loved seeing her shadow dance across the boulders behind her.
After that, it was really time to get moving to ward off hypothermia, with me pedaling hard through loose snow and Shyla running next to me. I couldn't take more photos for quite a while due to numb fingers.

After our sunrise photos, we did a fabulous snow bike route that I've been packing down over the past few days. We may get a lot of snow on Christmas night so I'm taking full advantage of the nice snow biking conditions that we have now. We saw the start of the stormy weather over the Divide from Hug Hill.
With the clouds over the Divide, we also got the pre-storm wind, which lifted one of Shyla's ears straight into the air while we played fetch on Hug Hill.
Although it was cold and blustery, we had tons of fun during our ride. I am so happy with how Shyla's behavior has improved over the past two months. She's a reliable and very fun biking partner!

Happy Christmas Eve!


  1. Dear KB, From my heart and home to yours, Merry Christmas! I knew that you would bring the best out of Shyla or any dog you might be owned by 8-)
    I can see the clouds up in your area and it looks like snow. I hope your Christmas is filled with joy and love.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. Have a Wonderful Christmas!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel & Mom

  3. What a beautiful Christmas eve, we have had rain that is making our snow a mushy ice rink.

    Hope your Christmas day is just as beautiful. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

  4. What a gorgeous sunrise!! Shyla looks so pretty in the morning light!! <3 Merry Christmas!!

  5. Wow, the way those clouds drape over the mountains, so cool.

  6. In the first picture, Shyla looks like she's found the gold nugget people were dreaming of when they headed West with a pickaxe and a burro ;)
    Glad you got your sun back, KB!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours :)

  7. Beautiful, as always! :)

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  8. Have a wonderful Christmas!!! Keep moving because it looks so cold on your mountain!

  9. Merry Christmas to you all!!
    xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  10. That is sun is glorious. We're usually home before the sun rises to avoid the heat...

  11. Merry Christmas to you and to Shyla and to R and to the Runner, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    Monty and Harlow

  13. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful furbabies! LOVE the new bike!!!

  14. wow, what a morning adventure you two had! gorgeous photos. Merry Christmas to you!

  15. ツ Passei para uma visita.
    Fotos maravilhosas... que luminosidade incrível!!!

    Que o Ano Novo venha como uma chuva de paz no mundo todo!...
    Que seja tudo de bom e nos surpreenda com muita saúde e muitas alegrias!

    (⁀‵⁀) ✫✫✫

    ★ FELIZ 2015!!! ★


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