Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Snow, snow, snow AND a new bike!

Winter swept over our world just as the solstice arrived, and it feels as if it's here to stay. A little bit of snow is falling each day, and it's slowly building up.
Shyla and I have been out at our sunrise viewpoint on time each morning but a veil of clouds to our east has blocked it for a few days in a row. For a Coloradan, that's a long time without morning sun!

So, we play games and enjoy the solitude that truly cold and blustery weather brings to the forest.
As many of you know, I pedal our trails in the mornings with Shyla on a snowbike that I've had for almost 5 years. Since I bought my snowbike from an Alaskan bike company, snowbike design has changed a lot. Now there are even wider tires available plus good suspension forks and other subtle design features that make pedaling through snow easier.

The problem is that I am so small and have such a stiff spine that it's tough to design a snowbike that will fit me but also accommodate the new huge tires. So, I decided to have a custom bike built. My friend at Meriwether Cycles designed and built a beautiful new snow bike that will be arriving here soon! He photographed it near his shop when he finished building it.

I love the graceful curves of the frame.
This view lets you see how wide my new tires will be! Those are really snow tires!
I am excited to discover how easily I can float through fresh snow on this bike! If any of you is looking for an awesome frame builder for a fat bike (or regular mountain bike), I cannot praise Meriwether Cycles enough. The whole process, from brainstorming about designs to hearing about it being built, has been so much fun!

Shyla is betting that I still won't be as fast as her, even on my new bike!!!!
She's probably right but it'll be fun to find out. We're awaiting the bike's arrival with great excitement!


  1. Congrats on the awesome new bike!! May you have many safe, fun, happy miles together!

  2. Gosh! That is a beautiful bike, KB! I hope it arrives soon and is everything you've imagined in the design process! And I hope you have the perfect test conditions the day it arrives :)

    Pssst, Shyla....I think you're right. But maybe you could pretend to let the human be faster just once in a while ;)

  3. oh, that bike looks like an awesome gift for yourself! yay!

  4. Wow that is some big tires as you said.
    We hope you enjoy many days with the duo riding and playing in the snow.
    My mom is excited too she is getting a new kitchen faucet that doesn't drip.
    Merry Christmas friends.
    xo Cinnamon

  5. Yay!! Congrats on the new bike! It looks awesome! :D

  6. That is such a cool bike. It's impressive you don't give up your bike riding in the winter. Kudos!

  7. Now that's a bike! Look at those tires, wow! I saw a fat tire bike at our park this summer and was intrigued, so I have an idea of the size and speed that could be attained.
    The excitement must be hard to contain especially with Xmas not too far away too.
    Shyla you just may have your run cut out for you now.

  8. Amazing how technology changes even bikes in such a short while. I know you will enjoy the new ride.

  9. All you will need next is a red jacket and a beard to ride on your new sleigh! That is one BEAUTIFUL bike!! We can't wait to hear how it handles in the snow.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  10. All you will need next is a red jacket and a beard to ride on your new sleigh! That is one BEAUTIFUL bike!! We can't wait to hear how it handles in the snow.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. What a bike!!! Whit has certainly done a superb job on the construction, all details on his blog, and custom made just for you, wonderful, and after 5 years, this will be a dream come true. Merry Christmas as you enjoy the snow, hugs to Shyla, R and greetings to Runner too, from Jean.

  12. That really is a cool bike. Love those fat tires,, and love Shyla flying through the air!

  13. What a cool bike! You weren't kidding about how wide those tires are...WOW!!

    I hope you and Shyla have a blast with it!

  14. Sweet new ride!! We just know you will enjoy it...and we will enjoy the photos it will make possible!!

  15. I love how fit and muscular your dogs are. That bike is awesome. Merry Christmas!

  16. You and Shyla are ready for some wonderful adventures in the snow now!

  17. What a pawesome new bike and it looks like shyla is having a great time racing threw the snow :) Milo & Jet

  18. What a beautiful new bike! We love the color!

  19. That'll be fun! It is a beautiful bike!

    Monty and Harlow

  20. Shyla looks lovely, as always.

    The bike looks awesome. Those tires in fact look like they're built for all-terrain motorcycles. May you get much enjoyment from your new ride.

  21. How cool is that. I can't wait to see how it rides for you.

  22. Beautiful new bike. Isn't it still hard to bike on snow? How deep of a snow can you bike in? Merry Christmas to our Furends and their Peeps!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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