Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Seeing the World - Color vs. Black and White

Today, I am joining the black and white blog hop. You may notice that I don't make many black and white photos. I've found that it's the colors, vivid and eye-catching, that motivate me to take pictures, like this one of Shyla's eye that I took yesterday.
But, every now and then, a photo catches my eye as one that would convey its message even better in black and white than in color. I took this silhouette as storm clouds swirled threateningly over our heads early this past week.

Ironically, black and white may be somewhat like how Shyla sees the world since dogs don't see colors in the same way that we do.
Today, we have snow! Winter arrived overnight, and I rushed outside to plant Columbine seeds before the snow fell this morning. I know, from past years, that this snow will be on the ground until April or May. Underneath the snow, the seeds of springtime will be getting ready to sprout - a thought that warms my heart during the cold days of winter.

Thanks to Nola and Sugar for hosting this Blog Hop.


  1. lovely clouds to offset shyla's sleek form.

  2. Wow, the eye pic is amazing!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. I absolutely love the silhouette! Shyla's eyes are gorgeous, too!! :D

  4. The eye picture made me catch my breath. Incredible!

  5. The silhouette photo is lovely! Great job!

  6. That is a gorgeous silhouette!!! We are partial to color photos too, wish we could take ones like yours. Love the eye shot - that is quite the reflection.

  7. Beautiful eye shot. We are missing snow (winter) this year. It's odd to see flowers that's we only see during spring and summer. Always love your silhouette photos. Golden Woofs

  8. Oh my gosh,,that beautiful photo you captured of shyla,s eyes !!!! Magnificent!! We see the outline of the tree. The daughter of the mountains, you captured more and more of her spirit.

    The clouds are beautiful tòo.

  9. The close-up of Shyla's eye is just incredible! Beautiful black and white, KB!

  10. Nice black and white. Sometimes it's all about the shapes for that type of photo.

  11. Your eyes are so beautiful like nothing we have ever seen
    Lily & Edward

  12. That's quite a lens you have to get such a detailed eye pic! Amazing!

  13. The black and white image is great, but the first picture with the eye reflection is incredible!


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