Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 15, 2014

Our Black Dog's Past Year

'Tis the season when I make photo calendars as gifts for family. In some ways, I love doing it. Looking through my photo archives reminds of the highs and lows of the past year.

As I started the process this year, I was initially flummoxed by the fact that I couldn't find any photos of R cavorting in the snow last winter. I finally remembered that he'd had surgery for elbow dysplasia last winter so he did very little playing in the snow.

He did play on the day before his surgery!
And, then, he rested for most of the winter because running on snow and ice is very tough on a bad elbow.
As I went through my archives, I knew that I'd hit the time of year when R had been given permission to run around again when I found this photo! That is classic goofy R!
He really lived it up during the summer, when we felt fairly confident in his elbow. Look at the crazed happiness in his eyes in the next photo.
And he told the world that he was overjoyed about it!
Playing is obviously good for the soul, based on his puppy-like face in a photo from this fall.
I am so happy that he is living life to the fullest. We know it's just a matter of time before he'll need major reconstructive surgery on that bad elbow. He's had 2 arthroscopic "clean-outs" so far in his life and has almost no cartilage remaining in that elbow.

But, like all the dogs I've known, he isn't worrying about it. He's having fun every day!


  1. living in the moment. good boy, r. :)

  2. ACK! I ADORE sweet R!!! This was suuuuuch a cute post of my black goddog :) I LOVE YOU R!!!!!! (And you too little S!)
    Auntie Sue BeeDoo

  3. Sheer JOY bouncing all over the place such is R and every doggy I know. Thanks KB !!

  4. Those photos are amazing and just filled with joy!

  5. What a character he is! These pictures are so fun!

  6. He is so cute!! I love how happy he looks in every photo!! I'm sorry about the elbow!! I hope you have lots of time before that major surgery has to happen!

  7. BOL I love the slobber face one!!!!

    Aroo to you,

  8. He looks like a pup in so many of those pictures. What a happy boy!

  9. Hmmm, seize the day ???

    We love all those photos but our favorite has to be the two labs snuggled together:)

  10. Aren't you glad the dogs don't worry about anything but today? Love the photographs.

  11. OMD, that slobber one made Ma LOL!!! She says that is SO me too! (me..Ruby ~ not Ma...☺)
    R, you are just a big ole puppy in a Labradudes body, aren't cha?! Love it!
    You guys are just adorables snugglin' togethers!! BFFF's fursure!
    Can't get enough
    Ruby ♥

  12. R,, he has recharged like a thunder bolt in the sky!

  13. That R sure knows how to live life to the fullest. He can teach many from his wisdom. His face says it all and we love it!!

  14. What a marvelous look back across R's year! He is a boy who embraces life fully and is living his ideal life; it is clear on each and every one of his expressions.

  15. R, he can laugh, slobber, lick his nose, and show us all how much fun he has, and is. Beautiful...Jean

  16. That first picture reminds us of Miss Molly trying to take down Mitch who weighs 10 pounds more than she does ☺
    Live life to the fullest, R ♥ Great photos, KB!

  17. Dogs truly live in the moment, don't they? They don't worry about what will happen in the future.

    Those are some really great photos of him.

    Monty and Harlow

  18. I love the expressions on his face. He does seem to love his life.

  19. Good to see R in the spot light!

  20. Love seeing R having so much fun and loving life!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  21. You have two special kids. We have seen a "support" or brace for a leg/ankle. Maybe you can try it
    Lily & Edward

  22. I always enjoy pictures of this boyo...what expressive range he has :)


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