Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Shyla's Past Year

Yesterday, I told you a little about R's year in review. I did a similar thing for Shyla, going through the photos that I've taken of her this year so I could make our calendar. Of course, that led me to think about how Shyla has changed this year.

For Shyla, it was a year of incredible growth. Shyla seems to finally understand that she's always safe with us. We'll protect her and love her no matter what - and I think she knows it.

But, with that confidence came an independence that was sometimes wonderful and sometimes scary. On the good side, she could sit in a "stay" apart from me in a strange place without getting scared. She'll also allow people she knows to take her leash and walk away from me. That's a huge step for a dog who was so fearful not so long ago.
On the Continental Divide in early July
However, on the scary side, Shyla also started testing the limits of her independence during our mountain bike rides. I went through a period of stress when I wasn't sure how to handle her new-found independent behavior that I feared would get her into trouble. 

I should have called our trainer right away but I felt "certain" it was a teenage phase that would pass. I was wrong. But, after finally asking for help from our trainer, we were back on track. Shyla's behavior is now even better than it was before her rebellion.
Autumn - the time when we found our groove again
I'm beginning to feel like she and I are becoming a well-seasoned pair who know each other so well that we can navigate our world together easily.

Somehow, after K's death, I forgot that it takes a while to build that kind of mutual trust. I think that Shyla and I are growing a bond that is very strong.

The next photo is an example - but I have to tell you a story for you to understand. Shyla has learned all sorts of silly cues for my photography. When I want her to stand in a certain spot, I point at the spot and say "paws", which means stand with your front paws in that spot. When there's a pretty sky, I point to a boulder and say "up". She climbs up and stands patiently while I take photos.

Recently, the most amazing thing has happened. She started anticipating what I was going to ask her to do - so she just does it, without a word from me. For example, I wanted to photograph her on a boulder the other evening. All I had to do was unclip her leash, and she hopped on the boulder without a word from me.
The most spectacular sunset of the year
I always bring along treats and toys so I can repay her wonderful behavior with something that she loves, like a game of fetch or a yummy treat.

I feel overwhelmed with gratefulness that Shyla found her way into our lives. She's brought us such joy.

I'd like to give away one "Romping and Rolling in the Rockies" calendar, to show my appreciation for your support. On Friday (12/19/14), I'll randomly draw the name of one commenter from this post. If you'd prefer not to be included in the drawing, please say so in your comment. Thank you!


  1. i'd love to be entered. thank you! and that last shot of shyla is very special, indeed.

  2. It's amazing how we dogs can read hooman's signals and the hoomans don't know they are signaling!! Shyla has cone a long way!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. I would absolutely LOVE one of your beautiful calendars! Both Shyla and R are so amazing and I enjoy following their daily hikes and adventures.

  4. It was so wonderful to come back to Colorado and see how far Shyla has come in the time that we've been gone. I remember too well how fearful and shy she was-how confused and lacking trust in people. It was so sad that first day we met her. But when we were there this fall she was like a different dog! Joyful and silly and confident and playful-it was amazing! You two are such a fabulous team :) It is so fun to watch your relationship continue to grow :) Sending lots of love to all of you! xoxo

  5. I have loved watching Shyla's growth. Thank you for sharing her with us!

  6. That sunset shot is probably the best I have ever seen!
    It has been wonderful to see Shyla blossom over the past months!!

  7. Oh, that is an amazing photo of Shyla on the boulder. You have worked wonders with her - she is so very lucky to have you. We would be over the top to have one of your calendars - your photos are masterpieces.

  8. Shyla, you are the Heidi Klum of Blogville!

  9. Oh how we love to come and spend time looking at your photos. You have made our hearts smile so many times when you talk about the bond that has grown with you and Shyla.
    We have been with you every step...and we thank you so much for sharing your world that includes Shyla and R,,, and angel K.
    We look at your blog before going to bed,,, and it makes us feel peaceful... thank you for sharing it all... the up and down,, the worrys, and your joy.
    That Daughter of the Mountains has become part of your heart.
    We would be so proud to have your calendar of your world and Shyla and R

  10. Awesome. I notice my dogs do those "repeat" behaviors that they know make us happy. Juno loves to "sit pretty" (with her front paws up), without me asking. Both of mine know the photography cues too by now and know they are working to wait until i snap some shots. They always get paid well for their modeling! It's really fun when you do something like that "in the real world" with people watching and they think your dog is like some sort of amazing thing, but really don't know how much time and repeated efforts brought it all together. The bond only comes with time and effort put into the two way relationship. Yet people are always so surprised. like, um, really? Lovin' Shyla's progress!

  11. These are just lovely. You two were meant to be together and I'm sure your K is smiling down on the both of you. Thanks for allowing us to peek in on your beautiful life. Count me in on the calendar--would be proud to have one. Mahalo.

  12. Oh we would love one of your calendars! I so love reading about your relationship with Shyla and how it is growing stronger every day
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  13. The most amazing ting has been watching you heal enough that you can see and encourage Shyla to reach her full potential. It is that journey that has created such an awesome bond...you have both learned to trust each other.

  14. Labs are different. The terriers just look at you and say we've done that before.

  15. I love hearing of your bonding with Shyla. I find it to be like my one with Brut with that instant trust when you met and then the over time bonding that builds that trust stronger. Like having a spark that ignites a flame and then burns a roaring fire. It is awesome, isn't it?

    Thanks for sharing your life with us. We would be honored to have one of your calendars. :)

  16. Have you saved the best sunset and Shyla on the rock till last? Lost for words. The calendar, not sure if this is only for US bloggers, but if anywhere, I would be so delighted to be included. Difficult few days here, not coping wasn't in my vocabulary until Monday. Thanks so much for your email, will reply tomorrow. Hugs, Jean.

  17. We just adore you, Shyla, and that last photo is absolutely beyond incredible! You found yourself the perfect family ♥
    Please enter us in your give-away!

  18. We love reading your blog - your sharing of Shyla, R and yourself, along with the wonderful part of the country you live in. It's an awesome privilege to read your blog and I look forward to it each day. Please enter us in your calendar giveaway. Many thanks, Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  19. Incredible post! We are just in love with your first picture today. That is some scenery. We always knew that Shyla would turn out to be "your girl."

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  20. Shyla's such a smart dog. She must be a close observer of your body language and facial expressions to anticipate your wishes so easily. Both R and Shyla are lovely, as is your blog every day. I'd love to have a calendar of your photos.

  21. That picture on the boulder is spectacular! Love reading about your adventures and the always look forward to your wildlife pictures!
    Thank you for sharing!

  22. Love your images and stories. They always start my day off with a smile. I would love a calendar. Thank you for sharing your world! :-)

  23. She is an amazing dog, you have done great things for her.

  24. What an incredible bond you have already - imagine the way it will grow in the years to come!

  25. Shyla is very, very special! We would love a chance to win a calendar too please.

  26. I'm so proud of how far Shyla has come over the past year. You've done such amazing work with her!

  27. I definitely want my name in the hat! I would love to look at your photographs all year long!

  28. You can leave my name out of the drawing - I love your photographs, but I haven't commented in a while and don't want you to think that is the reason I am this time around. :)

    Just wanted to congratulate you (and Shyla's trainer) on helping Shyla thrive - it's easy to see how happy and confident she is. Keep up the good work!!

  29. Shyla has really come into her own! to be so in tune….canine and human…a beautiful thing!! xo

  30. Well, I would certainly love a calendar of your beautiful photos. But I'm also so happy about Shyla and so glad she's blossomed into such a great young lady. The fact that she anticipates your photography speaks to the bond your developing. Well done!

  31. That is just the most amazing story about Shyla. It's such a wonderful thing when you realize your companion recognizes what it takes to work together. I saw that with Sage after I messed up my knee and she paced me in agility (after I could run again) and waited for me as we descended a steep part of a path.

  32. What wonderful stories and photos you share of Shyla.

  33. I so wish I could get Macy to come from a distance. She really pushes my limits when we're in the wilderness. My hiking buddy has a friend with a similar personality and we're both struggling. Shyla is wonderful and growing into her modeling career nicely!

  34. Shyla is so beautiful and it's so wonderful to see how she has grown so much under your guiding hand. And I loved the post yesterday about R. He reminds me so much of my Boomer and I love his wild side! Your photographs continue to awe and inspire me and I look forward to each post to see what you have created. Thank you for sharing!

  35. Thank you for your blog - you are such a talented photographer AND writer; I enjoy each and every post! Happy holidays :)

  36. KB I just love that you do a calendar of your dogs, you will love having them for years to come!!! You must have had such a hard time narrowing down which pictures to use, you have SO MANY great ones.

  37. I have been gone for awhile, KB, from the blogosphere... but you & your wonderful family have never been "gone" from me. I have had you "in my back pocket" all the time & have thought of all of you often & fondly. I'm glad to see that things are as they should be.... and Shyla is more beautiful than ever. I'm anxious to catch up on your blog as time permits me. I hope your medical issues have been resolved. I thought about THAT quite often as well. Take good care~ Andrea xoxoxo

  38. Gorgeous! That sunset picture is stunning. Nola reads what I want before I ask, too!

  39. Dear KB, I can't think of a more perfect gift than that of your calendar-so please enter me in to your drawing.
    Have a fantastic Friday friend.


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