Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 30, 2015

Finding a Smile in Each Day

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I am tapped out today. Yesterday, the world turned gray with heavy clouds, and then I got a migraine. Neither was an earth-shattering event but they pulled me down. Sometimes I wish that I could see the world through the eyes of a dog - dogs seem to always see the silver lining around the clouds.
Today is migraine "hangover" day. It seems as if migraines make my brain fatigued and foggy for another day after they end. As a relatively new migraine sufferer, I'm still learning the nuances.
I played fetch with Shyla this morning to try to see the same silver lining as she always sees. Her happiness is infectious.
I seemed to surprised her, every single time, because I was taking her photo while lying on the ground. She'd see me at the last instant after clearing the log and screech to a halt.
After playing fetch, I pedaled to a huge meadow where most of the snow has melted. I had fun playing with slow shutter speeds so that I could capture Shyla running past me in a blur! It's a joy to have a young dog who moves with such ease and grace.
 In the end, although my body wasn't feeling good, our morning outing made me smile.
That's almost always true, which is the reason why I push myself out the door around sunrise to ride with Shyla almost every morning, regardless of my health or the weather. Finding a smile in each day is a gift. Happy Friday.


  1. Dear KB, your zest for life and persistence in the midst of pain inspires me. Love your girl! I hope I have some of your grit as I recover. May your weekend be filled with a migraine free day and joy with your pups. Sending hugs....

  2. love that last shot. and glad shyla can make you smile. :)

  3. We sure hope you feel better soon. Hey Shyla, thanks for the smiles sweet one!

  4. I'm sorry about your migraine! Thank you for the beautiful post! I needed this today! <3

  5. Great energetic photos of Shyla. Bob got a migraine last evening - he rarely suffers from them. This morning his head felt "sore" and we spent the gray day inside. I hope the weekend brings you joy. Some of our family is coming to ski.

  6. What a wonderful silhouette in the last picture....I hope tomorrow finds you pain free and foggy free :-)

  7. Dogs are powerful medicine and motivation. Here's hoping the migraines are over for a while.

  8. I've had ocular migraines in the past, so I know how awful they can be. I hope all is well now.

    I was so impressed by your amazing photo of Shyla's eye. WOW. And the last shot of her in silhouette is a winner!! You are an amazing photographer!

  9. You are amazing! Hope tomorrow is a much better day, no migraine, no migraine hangover, and lots of smiles.

  10. It takes a lot to keep going when pain is dragging you down. You do it though, and that's awesome.

  11. I smile EVERY time I look at your header!!
    I hope you're feeling better real soon.

  12. Shyla is so lucky to have you as her mom, KB! We hope you feel better soon.

  13. Dogs make everything better!

    Monty and Harlow

  14. I hope you feel better soon, that migraine-attacks are awful... my mom said, even when she has such an attack, to be together with me makes every such a day with dark migraine-clouds a little brighter.
    Easy Rider

  15. Beautiful thoughts and photos. I hope you are feeling better.

  16. That last picture says it all! Shula with a silver lining! Hope the fog has lifted :-)

  17. If it's any consolation (and I hope it is) you provide many people with a smile a day and that last picture....it's epic!

    Hope you're feeling so much better now - I get a migraine maybe twice a year and that's too many times!

  18. Such beautiful photos KB!
    Shyla is just gorgeous and full of life,.
    Were sorry you had a migraine,, and hope your better.

  19. I agree with the "You are amazing!" You're an inspiration. Not that I'm going to get up and out that early!


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