Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Living with Our Wild Animals

I'm feeling sad about our wildlife today. A young mountain lion was killed on a road in our vicinity, and I fear that he's a youngster that we've been following. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether the kitten shown in these photos was involved but, regardless, some young mountain lion lost his/her life to a car.

This was one of the first times my trail camera photographed this kitten. In this case, his mom avoided the trail camera. The kitten examined it closely and then moved on.
On the next occasion that the kitten passed this camera, his mom (wearing a radio collar) was with him.
He lagged behind after she'd departed to mess with the trail camera. He rubbed against the camera so hard that I found it facedown on the forest floor when I arrived a few days later to check it. He broke the cord holding the camera in place but the camera was fine.
We caught another glimpse of the youngster and his mom just a few minutes later. That was a great day because my cameras saw so much interesting behavior from this pair.
I hope that this kitten is okay. I'm fairly certain that he and his mother have parted ways now because I've captured photos that I'm fairly certain are his mother, alone. Based on the kitten's size back in October, I'm not surprised.

It's tough capturing glimpses of the animals who share our forest but not being able to know what happens to them in the long run. But, that's the nature of a wild animal - they live on their terms without humans knowing all their secrets.

Our day was muted, fitting my mood. I'm hoping for some sunshine soon.


  1. Oh that is so sad-I am sonsorry to hear about the youngster dying :( I love wildlife overpasses. There is one in Nevada that was recently built-made my day to see it. Sending lots of hugs...sue and the crew

  2. Oh no! I'm sorry about the mountain lion! That is so sad. :(

  3. It is sad indeed. It would be wonderful if tunnels and over passes could be built to avoid such tragedies. Hope the days a head will bring sunshine to you and your pack.

  4. sorry about that. i'm certain the driver wished it hadn't happened, too. such a beautiful animal.

  5. Heartbreaking. Yes of course we need bridges and tunnels so wildlife don't cross our busy roads. So so sad. And could be avoided...

  6. you start the petition for the tunnels and we will get the signatures. I know we dont live in your area but if your area were aware of all your fans, they might see that your wildlife is closely monitored and loved by people all over the world. maybe then the would push forward on the tunnels. this is probably a silly ideea but who knows....

  7. It is tragic to hear about wildlife dying by cars, they were here first....and doesn't seem to count for much.

    Just love the trail camera shots (as usual) do you colorize a few of them? Great job!

  8. So sad that such a magnificent animal should lose her life to an automobile. Here's hoping you soon have some sunshine.

  9. Whether it was your kitten or not, it's sad.....

  10. I feel the same when a stray or wild cat is left on the road, super trail cam pics. Let the duo lift your heart with their love and their frolics.

  11. Hi Dory and her mom - The trail cameras are infrared. That means that daytime photos are in color, just like a regular camera, but night-time ones are taken with an "infrared flash" which only gives black and white. That's why some photos are color while some are black and white!

  12. We just LOVE your header! Thanks for helping Murphy and Stanley's Mom with the blog that was stealing their content. They said your Mom got to the bottom of it.

    Abby the Lab

  13. So sad about the young cat. I hope you get some sunshine
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. Were very sad too.. We know how much you love all the wild life who share the world with you. We hate for anything to happen to them..
    Were sorry this happened...
    We hope the sunshine was able to touch you and help you feel a little better.

  15. I am so sorry to hear this bad news. Praying for sunshine and migraine-free days.

    Take care!
    Jeanne and the girlz

  16. Hari OM
    Never easy to see the passing of things - but the young of all creatures tear just that little bit more on the heart. An extra hug to you and Shyla today... Blessings hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  17. How tragic for the mountain lion and we feel sorry for the driver of the car too. We hope the sun shines for you today, KB!

  18. It makes me so sad to see any animal hit by a car. We've got some real idiots here who think it is fun to take down the coyotes. I think it just shows a total disrespect for life.

    Love the photo of your trail - that would be fun to ride a horse through too.

    Monty and Harlow

  19. It is always sad when an animal loses its life.

    Where has all your snow gone? Want some? We got enough to share!

  20. Oh goodness, how sad about the little one getting hit by a car. When in NY, we frequently see baby deer on the side of the road and always hope they are NOT the one's from our back yard. Unfortunately that's the "circle of life."

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  21. That sure is sad. We hope they learn to avoid that car danger really early in life.

  22. That is very sad. Sigh, how can we all live together and keep our cars?

  23. We hope the sun has returned. We are pretty sunny today. Nature doesn't stand much of a chance against a vehicle. Too bad cars aren't designed with an animal repelling sound.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. yes, always sad when wildlife are killed.
    wonderful to see your photos
    to imagine their lives
    thank you for sharing these

    we have quite the gray day too
    and snow is starting to fall like sand from the sky

  25. I understand how you feel. When I see a deer in the road, it breaks my heart.


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