Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday Sunrise

This morning, the entire world was covered in heavy clouds except for a small sliver of blue sky on the eastern horizon. We had brief but gorgeous sunrise light. The first rays to hit us were so red... perhaps due to the clouds reflecting the sunshine.
We played a bit in the sunshine for the brief time before the sun disappeared into the clouds.
A recall, with a tongue flick.
And then running full speed ahead with Shyla's shadow chasing her.
After that, the sun disappeared behind the clouds, and we headed out to ride the frozen trails. I find that snow biking early in the morning is the best - the snow is solid and I can float on top of it on my new-super-powered Meriwether snow bike!

I took this photo of it the other day, the first time that I rode it up to Hug Hill!
I think that the view behind it is perfect - a bike that keeps going even through mountain winters!


  1. the bike that keeps on going because YOU do. :) love your golden girl.

  2. Those sleeves on the handle bars are pretty cool!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Love the pictures of Shyla and her shadow. So glad you are enjoying your new bike.

  4. Wow that is an amazing picture of your swan! I love it!! And Shyla always looks gorgeous :)

  5. We have had fog for three days now. Would love some blue skies! Shyla looks beautiful against the gold rock
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel (who is doing wonderful)

  6. We never even got the sliver of blue. We did get to go out between rains, that's all we care about.

  7. Shyla does look beautiful in the sun. Fortunately, we've enjoyed sun all week. But now we are in for some cold rain and gray days. Lucy loves the cold weather but really hates the rain.

  8. I know it's cold, but the sun in your photos just feels warm--It must be because of Shyla! :-)

  9. Beautiful, every one, but a bike with that view behind, fabulous. Josh is riding near Wanaka today, XC, and if all is going well, should be 3/4 way through his race now. The downhill was run yesterday, so many DNF, it was hard, treacherous, even for the Elite riders. from 4 hours with the under 15, to 2.5 for the others, and all in-between.

  10. Wow!! That light is gorgeous!! I love how Shyla just glows!! Also, I love the picture of the bike, too!!! The mountains are gorgeous!

  11. The suns glows make the colors soooo brilliant.!!! Gorgeous,,, and we love your new bike!

  12. Wow! You're right about the red. Beautiful. I love that picture of the bike, too, with the mountains in the distance.

  13. What a beautiful new bike and the most perfect color ☺

  14. I love that red light. I've tried capturing Harlow in it, but I think we must be in a bowl - there always seems to be a shadow that blocks it out.

    Monty and Harlow

  15. I am so glad your new blue bike is turning out to be as wonderful as you'd hoped and planned! Always a fabulous feeling to have the right toy I mean TOOL for the job :)

  16. Awesome winter tires; and of course even more awesome dog shots :-)

  17. Glad to hear you are enjoying your new bike! We have never seen one with sleeves before. Shyla's pictures are breath-taking!

  18. Shyla looks so focused
    Lily & Edward


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