Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 9, 2015

See Beautiful

Today is "See Beautiful" Friday. I love joining this blog hop that reminds us all to see the beauty that is all around us, if we are open to it.

Although winter can be harsh, it has a unique beauty that I love. The sun is lower in the sky, creating soft golden hues that I adore. And, sometimes, the mountain air is moist overnight, leaving rime ice on all the foliage. It makes our world feel like a magical place.

This morning, the world was so beautiful because of a heavy fog that swept in last night and left frost on everything.
And my Shyla stood in my favorite photography spot, where the sunrise light makes her glow with the mountain world behind her. The Continental Divide was obscured by clouds today but I still love the background. I mentioned earlier this week that Shyla has just recently mustered the courage to stand in this spot. Look how proud she is!
She can also survey the meadows below her from this spot.
After standing on that perch for me, Shyla played in the frosty world. I knew the frost was fleeting because the sun would melt it fast. Knowing that made our magical playground even more special. Look at Shyla's focus as she danced among the rocks and frost.
I spend my sunrise time with Shyla, and, some days, I get to take both halves of the Labraduo for a sunset hike. I have a favorite part of the forest for this time of year where the last rays of sunset light make the forest into a golden glowing place.

I love seeing R run, with his sister in pursuit. His beautiful brown eyes even stay soft while he runs.
The golden light seems to reflect off R's black fur.
Sometimes, we are lucky enough to have our winter sunset hikes end with glorious colors in the sky. I love seeing a dog's silhouette in front of those colors.
And then hiking home as the sunset finishes.
That's how I fight the winter blues - by trying to find the best parts of winter - the incredible beauty of frost, snow, sunrises, sunsets - and, of course, the Labraduo!


  1. Very beautiful!! I'm so glad Shyla finally got the courage to stand in your favorite spot!! Those photos are gorgeous!! R has the sweetest look on his face, too!! I love them!! <3

  2. I see beautiful every time I come to your blog!

  3. both have such sweet faces and eyes.

  4. Gorgeous! That winter light likes Shyla quite a bit!

  5. You do have duo beauty all around you!

  6. Wise words and lovely photos as always.

  7. You do see beautiful in those magnificent mountains and the gorgeous duo. thanks for sharing

  8. There is so much beauty whenever we visit you!!

    Anne and Sasha

  9. Yes, you have the best ways to beat the winter blues!! And when we look at the photos of your beautiful world,,, it lifts our spirits too!
    Thank you for allowing us to see beautiful through your eyes!

  10. You are looking for all the right winter things! Snowflakes are a biggie for me, too. Your winter sunset silhouettes are so heavenly!

  11. No snow :-) As always, beautiful photos. Happy Seeing Beauty. Golden Woofs

  12. So beautiful. Those dogs just glow!!

  13. You are surrounded by SO much beauty - and you get to take it home with you at the end of the hike in the shape of the duo :-)

  14. All so totally beautiful! I love how you use light in your photos! Very inspiring!

  15. What wonderful colors the winter brings to both your sunrises and sunsets!

  16. Thank you for attending the Doodz swearing in yesterday... Goose did a wonderful job as always
    Hugs Madi your bfff


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