Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Sunrise Happiness Ritual

Life can be so difficult at times, with all the pain and obstacles it presents. My coping method is making sure that I do the things that I love - like seeing winter sunrises with Shyla. That is something that almost always makes me happy.

Shyla doesn't know it - but, when she looks at me like this, I'd do anything that she asked of me!
This morning, she wanted to play, rather than lie still, almost right after sunrise. So, I complied.
After each retrieve, she hands me her toy and takes off for the next throw. Shyla adores retrieving.
The Runner and I are amazed by how orthopedically sound Shyla is. Except for a freak broken ulna when she first arrived with us, her body has been strong.
Shyla's soundness particularly amazes us because R's elbow worries us. Almost every day, we have a brief discussion of whether either of us has seen him limp that day. We know he's almost certain to need a very new kind of elbow reconstructive surgery within his lifetime but we want to wait as long as possible before doing it. He's not allowed to retrieve because it's too tough on a dog's body. That's why Shyla and I play fetch in the mornings, when R is out having fun with the Runner.
This morning, after we finished our game of fetch, we headed off for some steady movement, with me pedaling my new fatbike and Shyla running along side me. I feel so lucky to have our peaceful trails with views of the Continental Divide in the distance.
The peacefulness of sunrise in the mountains is something that makes me smile daily. I feel lucky.


  1. she's a gorgeous girl. and very happy to play with you. :)

  2. As we heard from Abby and Fi, fetching isn't a game it's a lifestyle!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. You are lucky!

    Shyla and Sage have the same look when she wants something. With Sage it's the 'where are we going today' look. And then we go....

  4. Gorgeous photos!! Shyla is so pretty!! I'm glad she's staying sound!!

  5. That expression on Shylas face would make us want to do anything she asks too!! Her energy is like the sound of strong thunder!

  6. Sunrise is the best time, and you have a great routine to enjoy it everyday.

  7. She is just gorgeous and very lucky to have you!!!

  8. Those little routines we have can become so dear to us, and so quickly! I love seeing how Shyla enjoys her life with you, no matter what the season. I'd forgotten about her leg break early on!

  9. Crikey ..... I'm going to work on that Shyla look!!! I'd like my Mum to do everything I asked of her. .

  10. You can tell that Shyla loves to fetch.

  11. Greta could speak to me with a "look" too. Mabel has brought laughter and joy back to our house, she is a little doll!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. Just love the joyous look in Shyla's eyes!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  13. I'm glad you have a lot of good things to enjoy. I'm sorry about your and R's health issues.

  14. We may not have mountains, but we love the sunrise, too.

  15. Seeing you so happy makes us smile, Shyla ☺

  16. And your beautiful pictures make us smile every day!

  17. We love seeing Shyla with that special toy!

  18. I think being outside is good for everyone. I'm home today due to my headache. Having Harlow with me is such a blessing.

    Monty and Harlow

  19. Shyla is such a joyful dog. She makes me smile just know her from photos, just imagine how happy she makes you!

  20. Sunrises and Shyla - sounds like the perfect recipe for a morning to me


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