Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Duo at Sunset

I had the chance for a sunny and relaxed sunset hike with the Labraduo yesterday. That meant that I could take photos of my favorite black dog, R, in the sunset light.
For the first time since winter really hit, the sunset rays were shining on an open area, rather than a tiny section of the forest, so we played out in the meadow. I love the small signs that spring will eventually get here, like the gradual changes in the angle of the sun rays at sunrise and sunset.

I played recall games with the Duo and took photos as they sprinted toward me. The synchronized tongue flicks are becoming a trademark of the Duo.
The area where we were playing will be the first spot where our wild crocuses (Pasqueflowers) sprout in a couple of months, probably because it gets both morning and afternoon sun. The day when I see the first one is a day of rejoicing. It always feels as if it's the beginning of a long stretch of glorious entire spring and summer.
The area is a mixture of meadow, patches of forest, and the "rocks" that give the Rocky Mountains their name. Both of the dogs are very agile as they dance among the rocks and boulders.
I just adore seeing R so happy and puppy-like.
Off to the Races
He's a puppy at heart. Many people still ask me if he's a puppy when they see us for the first time. My reply is a happy, "Um, no. He's seven years old but he has the spirit of a puppy.".
The Duo was pleasantly tired and curled up to sleep together when we arrived home.
It's a sight that I adore. These two are truly brother and sister.

Happy Friday!


  1. For whatever reason my MOM was really drawn to the photo where you can see the snow on the bottom of R's paw. I rather liked them sleeping together.

  2. I can almost here the whole city of Blogville going "Aaaaaaawwwwww" when looking at the last picture.

  3. It was a perfect day for play wasn't it? Just perfect! Oh we love to see R and Shyla snuggle... and share dreams together!'They are so beautiful!

  4. They are just so awesome together.

  5. Such beautiful Labs. And how wonderful to see them so close. I'm thinking it's almost February which is a short month and then it will be March and almost spring.

  6. They are too cute!! They look like they're having so much fun on that hike! <3

  7. I love how they stick together. They really are an awesome Duo!

    Love the last pic of them cuddled up tight!

  8. Love the tongues and the resting pic. Such great models.

  9. Such a wonderful duo! We can tell they love each other very much! Awesome photos!

  10. Love the two of them sleeping together. It makes our hearts
    smile ☺

  11. I'm not sure our pups have ever cuddled. Sigh... sibling rivalry!

    Monty and Harlow

  12. Synchronized tongue flicks! Wow!
    People assume Toby's a puppy too, it's got something to do with the fur on his head being so soft. R has the most beautiful eyes. PS. I have your calendar up - you can see it in yesterday's post beside the memo board I made for my craft room. Thank you again.

  13. So great to see the happy pups. I love that last photo!

  14. What a beautiful duo they are too! R really does look puppy doesn't he! The promise of Spring...wonderful isn't it!


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