Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Letter to Shyla

We are participating in a Blog Hop hosted by Murphy and Stanley called "Letter to my Dog". If you read this post anyplace except at romp-roll-rockies.blogspot.com, please visit that link to go to the original copyrighted and complete version.

My dog, Shyla...
Cozy Labrador

Dear Shyla,

You came into my life 2 ½ years ago at a time when each of us was in the throes of tough times. I’d lost my beloved K, way too young, to cancer shortly before I met you. And, you were a young dog who was filled with fears of almost every aspect of our world. When I first saw you, you had bite marks on your face and unknown aches in your heart.

You needed me to teach you how to stand tall in our world, and I needed you to let me cry in your fur. We weren’t ideally suited to each other at that instant in time but I knew that we’d somehow find our way, dancing among the obstacles like you do everyday in the forest.
The level of your fear of everything in our world was incomprehensible to me. With lots of help, I learned how to guide you so that you can happily live in our world. Along the way, I learned patience, patience, and more patience. I know – I still forget to be patient sometimes, and I apologize for that.

But, despite my shortcomings, you’ve grown up into an amazing, loving, and sensitive dog. I feel lucky that we have you in our lives.
I’m starting to feel as if you watch over me like I watch over you. We've become like sisters who have each others' backs. I'm savoring every day we have together.

Now, you are my constant companion. You're the one who endures the cold to see the alpenglow on the snowy mountains at sunrise with me and then endures the cold again to watch the sunset with me. You join me on snow bike rides in the winter, mountain bike rides in the summer, and lots of hikes all year long.

You've recently become comfortable with snuggling - which I adore. You love to crawl from the foot of the bed and put your head on my shoulder as I hug you. There was a time, soon after we'd met, that I didn't feel sure that you'd ever trust me enough to let me hug you tight. Now you do.

Now I know that our bond is forever. You're my girl and I'm your human. You can count on it.
Me and My Shadow


  1. Crikey ..... I sure am glad you found each other. It was meant to be, aye??

  2. The love you have for your girl is felt all over the world. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. That was a beautiful letter to sweet Shyla.. Hey, that header pic sure is a smile maker!

  4. Just shows what patience and love can do! A beautiful letter and what may be our favorite Shyla photos!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. And when the "time was right" you found each other. Now nothing can destroy that bond. Shyla you have come so far,,, so very far. This is an example of trust,,, and learning to trust the one who loves you so, your mom.
    This was meant to be.
    What a beautiful post

  6. What a wonderful letter, it definitely sounds like fate brought you both together at a time, while it might not seem like it, where you both needed each other.

  7. Bless you both! I'm so glad you found one another.

  8. Such a wonderful love story you and Shyla share. Thank goodness she found you.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel, Mabel

  9. Spobbing... You mean there's hope for actual hugs???? I would just die!! I see so much of Macy in your stories of Shyla. Your blog gives me so much hope.

    I have found out much info about the thieves at the dog blog place... Not sure of the best way to get it out to the dog bloggers.

  10. What a heart-warming letter, KB. The two of you have been through a lot of healing together. And your bond is indeed forever.

  11. She is so pretty!! That is such a beautiful letter to her! I also love your new header! <3

  12. A letter, a new girl in your heart and life, and a new header, we are so fortunate that you share Shyla with us, and I am sure the rewards for you both have been immeasurable. Tears as I read your words today, as many of us have been there, and time seems to stand still as we adjust, adapt, and alter to a new one in our family. Hugs, Jean

  13. Oh Shyla, you came into your mum's life right when she needed you. You learnt to love each other with all your heart and what a wonderful thing that is. Thanks for sharing this amazing journey together. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  14. Your new header photo stopped us in our tracks and started the tears. We can feel the love the two of you have for each other ♥

  15. Hari OM
    OMD there have been some amazing letters... all different, but all connected with the capital 'ell' Love!

    On the matter of the blog-theft; I have written a post you may appreciate which you can read here.

    Now go take some extra hug time together!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  16. We feel the love you have for each other in every single word you post. Just beautiful KB.

  17. your my girl and I'm your human. that's the best way to say I love you. To have each other is the only thing what counts.
    Easy Rider

  18. Awwww! So happy to read of Shyla's progress, and how much her mommy has learned. Sniffsniff! Very touching!

  19. Such a sweet post of your journey together. Getting an animal to trust you is an amazing feeling. The more difficult it is somehow, the stronger the bond that is built. I realized this is similar to what I went through with my horse Luke, who would become so frightened he'd run or rear if put in a situation his mind couldn't cope with. It took me awhile to figure it out, all the signs that you've talked about and how to backup a few steps. So rewarding to see an animal build up their confidence and become happier animals because of that.

  20. We love you Shyla!!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  21. You and Shyla are writing such a wonderful story together!

  22. What a beautiful letter. So very glad you found each other.

  23. KB, you have such a way with words and it amazes me each time I read one of your posts. This letter to Shyla is oozing love with each and every word. Your love for her is obvious to the rest of us each day. Seeing your header photo yesterday just shows how your love has grown.

  24. KB this is such a heartfelt letter to Shyla. I know how heart broken you were when you lost K, but God answered you in a big way with sweet Shyla. So happy you have created this amazing bond with her. Priceless :):)

  25. ITs a beautiful letter. Im so glad you welcomed Shyla after loosing K and that she was able to help heel you. You are so lucky to have each other. I know I am so lucky to have had my Norbert and know my little Fry.

    retro rover

  26. Its always funny how one loss can lead to such a life change, and so many new lessons. You were meant for one another. Beautiful letter....tears.
    stella rose and momma

  27. Wow!!! 2.5 years already?!? It seems like only yesterday... How far both of you have come, and what magnificent images you continually share of your girl!

  28. What a great letter! I tried to write one to Blueberry, but I'm afraid I just don't have a way with words like the you and others do. :)

  29. Such a sweet letter to your girl. You are both lucky to have found each other.


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