Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Siblings Snoozing in a Sunpuddle on Sunday

Please visit the website where this post was originally published, romp-roll-rockies.blogspot.com, if you see this posted elsewhere. The author of romp-roll-rockies.blogspot.com would be grateful if you could leave a comment saying where else you saw it posted. Thank you!

After a good romp in the snow and breakfast, the best thing to do is snooze with your sibling.
Can you see R's right paw? This Labraduo is so intertwined.

The title was inspired by the Wordless Wednesday titles by our friends at A Tail of Two Cardis.


  1. Excellent alliteration! They look so content, and we can find the paws.

  2. They are just so perfect <3 I know changing your banner photo was very difficult for your heart. Sending lots of love your way! Shyla looks wonderful and full of joy and silliness in the picture you posted-I think K would approve-I remember how silly and playful she was when I would come visit! Lots of hugs!

  3. They're so sweet! I love the new header!

  4. Love the new header KB and I know K would be giving you kisses of approval. Shyla has bits of K in her personality. Sending you warm hugs today!
    Hugs, Noreen
    I fought getting the genetic test for years, but glad for my daughters I did-so they could be reassured. I totally understand how you feel though.

  5. The perfect photo of brother-sister love and devotion.

  6. Aww look how sweet y'all are.

    Aroo to you,

  7. I love how beautifully shiny their coats are in the bright sunlight. And the new header is quite an eye catcher!

    On your comment about my title "River Korgi", I was making a play on the title of a famous old WWII movie, "The Bridge on the River Kwai".

  8. OH! And great job on your blog post title and all those SSSSSS :-)

  9. I see his paw. Sister Shyla using it as a brotherly pillow. That is sweet sweet. Enjoying seeing Shyla as your header. I know it must have been difficult to change it. But I have no doubt that K is smiling down on you.

  10. This is such a sweet photo. Both so peaceful. Got to love a sun puddle.

  11. That is an incredible picture. I can just imagine, the dreams of running outside going on in those beautiful heads.

    Anne and Sasha

  12. OMD, you guys are just too cute for words!!!! I am sure you are having the bestest dreams ever!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: LOVES the new header!!! Made me LOL

  13. YES!!! What an amazing photo of Shyla on the header!!
    And were loving the cuddle photo of R and Shyla,,, how beautiful in the sunpuddle!

  14. I laughed out loud at your new banner photo...absolutely love it. I love the snoozing photo too, but that photo a Shyla with the ears flying...perfect.

  15. Celebrating the transition to the new header! Wonderful, goofy, beautiful photo!

  16. Awww! They're so precious. And the new header is hilarious.

  17. Togetherness, happiness, love intertwined, a perfect photo.

  18. Hari OM
    That's the heart-warming lift we all need to start the week!!! YAM xx

  19. We can feel the love between Shyla and R ♥

  20. What a sweet picture! And I just have to tells you that your new header picture makes me GRIN!

  21. Love it. We can't believe how many posts peopl steal. Nuts
    Lily & Edward

  22. Best banner photo ever! Love the ears!

  23. They definitely make an incredible pair, and they look so relaxed in this shot!


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