Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy Friday

My legs were dragging this morning as we headed out to snowshoe for the second day in a row. I wished we were snow biking, and my leg muscles were protesting this new activity.

But, Shyla was over the moon happy. Early in our walk, she suddenly sprung into a huge leap for no reason at all. What an athlete!
As we climbed higher, we saw the beautiful picture painted by the snow, sun, and blue sky.
The sun, which stayed out only briefly, warmed both of us so we could stay still for brief periods.
But, it wasn't a long rest for Shyla. She managed to dig through the snow to find one stick yesterday. It's hard to find sticks when there is bottomless snow so it was a prized find. She re-found that stick today, and it amused her for most of our hike...
... that is, until she broke into pieces too small to carry.

By then, we were both tired, and she looked as she was coming up for air as she porpoised through the snow.
This weekend is time to take a deep breath and relax. Or, in my case, it's time to do more research about what we should do about R's elbow. We see a specialist in dog elbow reconstructive surgery early next week. If any of you have experience with CUE surgery for elbow dysplasia, please let me know. It's so new that there's only one surgeon in our state who has done it. I'm not sure that we're ready to face up to this...


  1. Look at that glorious sky!!! that last photo is incredible.

    No experience here with CUE but we hope you can find the answers you need to make your decision.

  2. she's so cute. :) good luck with r's research.

  3. What a pretty day! I hope your appointment with R gives you some answers!

  4. Thinking of you with R and his elbow, Shyla with her leaps, and that gorgeous sky.

  5. That stick looks like a deer leg to us.

    Hope you can find out something positive for the R boy.

  6. That stick looks like a deer leg to us.

    Hope you can find out something positive for the R boy.

  7. Crikey ...... they are some amazing photos as usual. That stick looks like an icy pole to me. I love the picture of the snow on the fir trees. Really beautiful. Best of luck with R's problem. I know nothing about that problem.

  8. Glorious really is the only word to describe all these photos.

    We feel for you with R. In a way, it's a shame you're not in England and cannot discuss it with vet Noel Fitzpatrick who seems to be the most amazing, innovative and skilled reconstructive surgery vet in these parts.

  9. That Shyla sure has fun, and we have fun seeing her!

  10. I just love to watch Shyla swimming in the snow!!

  11. We just love the picture of you porpoising through the snow, Shyla ☺

  12. That must be a tasty stick to find it again! Love that first photo!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Send the little lad to England for a fine surgeon! Our boy deserves it. How about Denver, there must be someone very good there.

    Tell our little Prince Arrr we just want the best for him and give him a hug from the Minnesota Girls!

    Jo, Stella, Zkhat

  14. POTP for R's elbow.

    Shyla is a great snow swimmer.

  15. Shyla looks so happy! Our silly lab loves the snow too.

  16. That last photo is such a treasure, but the shot of Shyla and her stick is precious, too! So sorry to hear about R's elbow. I hope you are able to find someone who can work with R.


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