Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Powder Day!

We had a sudden onslaught of heavy snow yesterday afternoon that almost brought the evening commute to a halt. But, we woke up to this view this morning! It's hard to imagine that we'll be lounging on that deck in a few months! It's supposed to keep snowing until tomorrow night with up to another foot falling here.
Shyla and I headed out for a snowshoe hike this morning. At first, the sun was shining and the going was easy, as she stayed on the slightly packed trail.
Being a youngster, she didn't stick to the packed trails for long, and then she almost disappeared into the seemingly bottomless powder.
But, she ventured into the powder time and time again, making me laugh with her antics. Fortunately, hydration was on the tip of her nose because bounding through that bottomless powder was hard work.
It was somewhat sunny at the start of our hike but then the snow started falling steadily again which meant that we both got even more covered in snow.
Near the end of our snowshoe hike, Shyla was almost invisible in the snow because she had so much stuck to her fur.
It was a beautiful hike. As the snow fell out of the sky silently, the forest was utterly still. We didn't see any wildlife or even any tracks. It was a perfect storm. And, I kept visualizing all our wildflowers, hibernating under the snow, getting nourished so they can sprout in the spring. I also visualized all the bears, who I know so well from my trail cams, tucked snugly into their dens, some with cubs curled against their fur.

Of course, like dogs do, Shyla was living in the moment, absolutely reveling in the snow. Her energy seemed boundless and her physical capabilities endless. As we walked (or galloped) through the snow, I realized that Shyla has become everything I want in a dog - a reliable partner, a playmate, a guardian, and a source of tons of smiles!
Oftentimes, if I snowshoe a route out and back, I pack it down enough to be able to snowbike it later. Today, that was definitely not possible. My snowshoes were still sinking in at least 6" with each step on the way back. I rode my snowbike on a nearby dirt road, working out the back spasms that snowshoe hiking causes. Maybe I'll be able to ride the trails tomorrow if we don't get the full foot of additional snow that is predicted.

I enjoy riding no matter where it is but I do prefer the trails. My neighbors think that I am a complete nut when they see me out riding on the dirt roads while snow is falling, the roadside walls of snow are measured in feet, and the temperature is barely above zero. I'm sure that they go home and laugh about their crazy neighbor! 

P.S. If I disappear from the internet, don't worry. When we get too much snow on our roof, we lose our sightline to the satellite that provides our internet, and all we can do is wait for the snow to melt...


  1. It looks like Shyla is having so much fun in all that snow! :D

  2. she is SUCH an athlete! what a cute girl.

  3. We can see from the Smile on Shylas face she is having a pawsome time out there in the snow, even if it is freezing.
    xo Cinnamon

  4. Crikey ...... I soooooooooooo would like to be able to see that!!!!!!!!!
    How very, very beautiful as is Shyla.

  5. Such beautiful,deep snow. Gorgeous pictures. You two certainly had a great time.

  6. Oh that Shyla. i especially love the picture where you can see the frost on her ear hair.
    what a beautiful world you two share

  7. Good grief!!! All that snow. Ya, your neighbors probably do think you're nuts. LOL Shyla sure had a blast.

  8. Shyla makes the snow look like so much fun! Love all the pictures.

  9. She is just priceless. What great photos!

  10. Shyla loves the snow so much, almost as if she was born in it. Riding must be hard work, I cannot imagine that much snow, but it will give that needed moisture for spring flowers and plants. Lovely photos,do I say that every time? I run out of words that can say how I feel when I look at your pics.

  11. Hari OM
    Your (and Shyla's) posts are a source of enjoyment out here in etherland too. I may not always comment, but I always peek!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  12. Look at all of the fun you're having in your fresh new snow, Shyla ☺

  13. what a cute canine blizzard :o)
    easy rider

  14. Looks like she is having so much fun!

  15. Beautiful winter pictures!!

  16. Love how covered up Shyla is! Be safe with all this snow!

  17. Oh my, the snow is beautiful. I love how Shyla just lets loose in the snow and has so much FUN! And boy, is she covered in snow. BOL

  18. Those are just amazing Shyla snow fun photos!

  19. That;s a lot of snow BUTT makes for some great photographic opportunities!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. So much snow!!! We are jealous:)

    Nuk & Family

  21. We saw on the news that Boulder got hit hard with snow yesterday and I immediately thought of you! I love seeing how happy Shyla is when she's romping in the snow. I know I've told you before, but you really are someone who represents courage and determination, regardless of physical issues. You inspire me KB. We will be up in Estes next weekend and at one point I actually thought of the possibility of snow shoeing around Sprague Lake-is so flat and a very short walk. However, I think that would be pushing myself too much-really don't want a set back. WE are supposed to get snow through next Thursday; I'm thankful because it keeps my activities more limited.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  22. Wow, Shyla truly enjoys the snow! She looks so happy, full of great energy. What a daily joy she is to you! I love the images of her with the snow on her sweet face.

  23. Shyla is all that you say she is and probably even more!!! She sure does give us lots and lots of smiles.

    Have a good weekend as we await some snow, sleet, and then a good dousing of rain:(

  24. I love the pic of Shyla with her tongue out! You are great at action shots, KB - you have lots of practice. I wish we'd gotten as much snow as you - only 2" here overnight. However, it's snowing hard again now and is to continue off and on until midweek. Don't get buried out there!

  25. You make our hearts feel warm KB.. We feel you share your world with us the best you can,...
    we thank you,,, we thank you for the beautiful way you talk about your love of your world.
    And Shyla makes us laugh, and smile,, and giggle,, and we feel the energy from her strong happy body... thank you Shyla.

  26. What a beautiful and joyful dog Shyla is in the snow
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  27. Love the photo showing the accumulation. We haven't picked up the predicted amount for any of the storms, but we still have a lot, thought not near as much as you!

    My hyacinths were coming up, fooled into spring, so I wonder what they're doing now beneath all that snow!

  28. I'm with you, a quiet walk in the stillness of snow is the ultimate relaxation for me. I love the snow pics of Shyla.


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